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Burn, Zombie, Burn!


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I wondered whether it was worth making a new topic for this a general PSN one like the XBLA one, as I can't see this being majorly popular, even though it has zombies in the title and game.

It's a kind-of top-down shooter, kind of like Geometry Wars where you shoot things in waves, though you aim and move on the same stick. Maybe it would've been better done with 2 sticks but you gotta work with what you're given I suppose.

It's actually really good though very hard as I still haven't unlocked any of the other stages yet, because I'm clearly rubbish at it, but it does have a bunch of different modes like timed, unlimited or defend your girlfriend. And there's co-op or competitive (local only I think, and splitscreen only too) and I seem to remember there being a choice of normal or playing in space.

There's a few different weapons that I've found, like a baseball bat, chainsaw, Uzi and shotgun, plus some TNT to plant. I think the shotgun and Uzi work best, and if you run out of ammo you revert back to your standard pistol.

Worth a pop, I'd say.

To save a double post I might as well edit this one.

I've unlocked a few levels now, seems I wasn't doing it properly as you have to burn the zombies to improve your multiplier. Also, went through the whole of the tutorial and I was missing quite a bit of knowledge about the tactics.

I'd really recommend it, definitely an under-the-radar game.

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  • 2 months later...

Really? I've gone back to it a few times since and I'm still enjoying it. It's not a masterclass in that "kill waves of enemies" kind of game, but it's fun enough, especially in co-op, though isn't everything?

I dunno, I would feel bad about telling people to run to their PS3's and download it but I wouldn't steer them away from it either. It's solid, I think.

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I thought I would really enjoy it, and I probably could if they hadn't fudged the controls up so badly, but as it is you just cant pull anything of fluidly as you should be able to on this game. Having the whole strafe thing consigned to a button really doesn't work at all, if they had made it a twinstick shooter style layout, it would have been pretty enjoyable, but as it is it seems they have gone out of their way to design the poorest possible way of executing things. It could have been so good as well, as the game has its charm with all the different zombie type.

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Like Sly said, this really needed to be a twin stick shooter (opinions and stuff obviously) because as it is it's really hard to do anything precise which is rather important when you are trying to keep your multiplier. I was really rather sad considering my love for all things Zombah.

I would have liked it to be more like Zombie Apocalypse which was released on XBLA today, only reason I haven't bought that one is because of this. That probably sounds silly but once burned twice shy and all that.

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