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Planet Puzzle League


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No, I don't have it, but we don't have a news thread for this, and it's just been released in the States, been out for a while in Japan and is coming out over here at the end of the month (I think), and here's the very complimentary 1up.com review.


Some choice quotes....

Puzzle League is a decent enough solo experience but ultimately thrives on its competitive mode -- and competition on DS is sweet indeed.

To help the game stand on its own merits without Mario or Pikachu's assistance, Planet Puzzle League has been restyled in a fashion that screams "Q Entertainment!" The game offers a number of cool skins filled with tasteful abstract geometry...plus the obligatory ass-ugly yellow skin. It's somewhere between Lumines and Gunpey, and while the mimicry is perhaps a bit on the shameless side, it's a good look for the game. Likewise, the music is low-key and electronic, chill without being dull. The menu interface is a slick, circular affair. In short, it's cool and slick without being too flashy -- just the thing for the Brain Age crowd.

And if there were any lingering doubts as to whether or not Planet Puzzle League was fashioned with Touch Generations in mind, the main menu should clear them right up. A Brain Age-style "Daily Play" is available right from the start -- a quick two-minute sampling of the three main play modes that can be experienced only once per day. And amidst the normal friend code/freeplay wireless options is the option to compete against gamers who share your birthday, a simple but unique little twist.

Planet Puzzle League features a variety of modes ranging from the Endless marathon to Garbage Attack (in which players attempt to transform indestructible blocks into normal colored pieces), an embarrassment of riches in terms of head-to-head play and ultimately a high level of general excellence all around. While the fundamental game design is largely similar to the past 15 years of Puzzle League titles, the wealth of DS-specific features introduced here keeps it feeling fresh. It is, in short, a classic puzzle game done right. If this is what we can expect to see as the result of the "new" Nintendo, we say roll on, blue ocean.

Here's the trailer too.


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Another review to read before my copy turns up (should be any day now) - Clicky.

It gets a good write-up even though the reviewer states that he doesn't like Panel de Pon, but has to say that it's a "superb DS port job".

Best quote...

These are the DS puzzlers you need to play first: Zoo Keeper, Tetris DS, Picross DS, Slitherlink, Meteos, Actionloop/Magnetica. See you next year.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So this came yesterday and I sneakily played it in work for a couple of hours and late last night while I waited for Mr Sandman esq. to arrive.

Um, it's......good, I suppose.

Don't get me wrong - everything it sets out to do it does very well, but I can't see why this is proclaimed as "the best puzzle game ever!" (copyright Shane Bettanhausen). It just seems like another bash at Meteos.

I know that this (in a previous form) came first, and and there's a meaty combo system at work here, but I reckon it'll be one of those games I'll play pretty often, but maybe Zoo Keeper is more suited to my tastes.

I think this because I'm blatantly rubbish at block games, especially where extreme thinking ahead is required (Lumines and Tetris spring to mind) and I won't get the most out of this game as I can never work out massive combos.

On the plus side there's shit loads of modes and stuff to do here, but I reckon the chances of me taking it online are slim to none - I got owned by the CPU on beginner mode!

Having said all that, I have finished Clear mode, and I'm part way through the basic puzzles (without the use of the hints system though, I'd be buggered).

I think this maybe a case of antipation over reality.

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I forgot to mention that the music is truly brilliant - all throbbing electronica and it reminds me of Lumines as it puts you in a trance.

Still, as negative as my previous post sounded, it's a perfect game for those that love puzzle combo games, for me it's gonna take a while I think before I get "in the zone".

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Hendo wrote:

...but I can't see why this is proclaimed as "the best puzzle game ever!" (copyright Shane Bettanhausen).

He keeps saying that doesn't he. I've put maybe 3 hours into it (endless mode) & I'm really enjoying it, although my brain is (for some reason) struggling with it & I've no idea why. Oh, yes I do. I'm thick. :lol:

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I don't think there's a website you upload scores to, but there is a ranked system.

The online mode actually seems pretty thorough - there's Friend Battle, Free Play (not ranked), Novice Battle (only for Beginners, not sure how it knows if you're a beginner or not) and Birthday Battle.

Yes that's right, only play against people that share your birthday!

A nice idea, but surely that would make it harder to get a match?

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Hendo and I chatted about this in the attempt at a podcast for this week, which has no been lost due to Centy and porn links....

But yes, the jist of it is that Hendo felt it was a bit disappointing, however, I think it's in that elusive top 3 puzzlers for the DS along with Meteos and Tetris!

Nintendo have perfected the puzzle game, offering every type of game you could possibly want, puzzle, time limited, endless, versus, tactical... It's all here.

The style is stunning and aye, this is amongst the very best of the DS titles :)

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