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Everything posted by Nag

  1. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Finished this earlier, it's all around outstanding... I was hoping I'd get an epic picture for the Platinum Trophy, and of course, i ended up with a black screen. One of the best games I've played this gen and probably a shoe in for GotY for me... I can't see anything topping it this year, it's already made my PlayStation Pro purchase so worthwhile too. Roll on the story expansion.
  2. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Had a good three hour session with this earlier, up to level 35 with around 34 hours played, all the Cauldrons are complete now so i can override all of the normal machines... getting close enough to do so sometimes proves a little tricky though. Had a pretty hard fight against a Stormbird earlier, even using the Ropecaster and tying his ass to the floor didn't really help that much... got him in the end though. Good job none of his mates decided to show or I wouldn't of stood a chance... Now to find a ThunderJaw to make my pet...
  3. Got that right, he's our baby...
  4. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    @ThreeFour... For me, I'd be amazed if this didn't end up my goty... there's probably two releases this year that may take over. I love open world games structured like this, I'm doing main quest missions at the minute that are level 12 and I'm level 30, I've been mucking about that much. Combat wise there's a lot of options to work with, the game looks stunning and handles just as well. Seriously, if you own a PS4 and don't play this game at some point then you may as well just stop gaming.... It's a stand out game on the system.
  5. Yeah, i think I'll stick with it... I've already knocked the backlight up on the other connections.
  6. Horizon I'd hdr compatible... It's the brightness more than anything, I'm used to having the TV set to a more muted tone... I think i could get used to it though, it definitely pops. @DANGERMAN
  7. I'm a happy bunny, especially as my tv does 5.1 pass through which can be a right bitch to sort out... The difference in resolution even on the dash is startling... I'm not certain about HDR so far, I'm not used to having things so bright but I'll see how i get on with it for a while... Roll on Scorpio.
  8. Quality stuff @regemond....
  9. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Aaaaand the last Tallneck was overridden earlier today so now my map is fully uncovered.... which led me to these beauties... First encounter with Thunderjaws and there's two of the sods... which means I've no chance in a straight up fight but I have a bow that can corrupt machines and make them fight for me, you can guess what happens... Epic battle between those two, about three or four flying Glinthawks were drawn in to it and around four or five Longhorn too... It was awesome. One Thunderjaw was left standing after all that carnage.... but not for long... Thunderjaw down...
  10. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Another day, another Horizon session... This was only a couple of hours and didn't really go that well, which was my own fault for hitting areas way over my level. Went Tallneck hunting managed to scratch another two off the list but they were bitches to get to, mainly down to how well guarded they were by other machines... 4 down one to go....
  11. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Hit level 25 tonight and after probably around 15 hours finally hit Meridian, which (I think) was a level 12 main quest... A nice trek through a different looking region with a couple of new mech types to meet up with and bigger groups of some of the previous harder Mechs from the other first region. Bought some nice new armour and weapons and joined with a hunters Guild... So I can't see main quest line moving forward a whole lot any time soon. I might make climbing the remaining Tallnecks my next thing so I can see all the map. Bumped up the difficulty to very hard too.
  12. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Finally moved the main quest line on (by one mission)... which led me into my first encounter with some Snapmaw, this things really reminded me of one of my childhood favourites, Zoids. Found myself in a nest of these Crocodile looking buggers and things got very dicey until I found a nice vantage point where I could set them alight and rain down arrows on them... Lots of explosions and carnage ensued... it was ace. Things are definitely ramping up, mixed groups of Mechs and they're getting bigger and stronger....
  13. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    I've bumped up the difficulty to hard today, with how the combat works and how you can plan out an attack I thought I'd try to up the survival stakes... and its backfired pretty much instantly, ran across a corruption zone with a Bellowback and a load of Buffalo looking things who are pretty much kicking my arse.... If only I could find a Sawtooth to send into the place. Aftermath of a Bellowback battle...
  14. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    I've restarted the the game, I'd gotten up to around 11 hours played and then found out I'd missed something reasonably important in a starting area and couldn't figure how to get back in to reach it... I'm not cared though, if I'm honest, I didn't want to make too much progress before rigging up my Pro next Sunday. I'll probably reach back to where I was before the restart. I absolutely adore the game as a whole, it's like a mash up between the Witcher 3, Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls... It's also quite difficult in places, I'm only going through on normal difficulty and a couple of things I've come across handed me my arse when I wasn't paying attention. Before the restart I'd had my first instance of a NPC gang starting something with a couple of bigger robot creatures which was fun to watch... then I finished the stragglers and looted the whole lot of them. Haven't seen a ThunderJaw yet, though...
  15. Nag

    Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    This is how Horizon makes me feel about PS4 at the minute....
  16. Now that's the kind've reasoning I like...
  17. Few pics of the new set up... Out the box and hanging it doesn't look that much bigger than the older one. Bit of Gears on the Xbox One. Final Fantasy XV on the PS4. Tbh I can't really do the thing justice with a phone camera, it looks lovely... Shame it probably wont be getting a native 4k signal until next year sometime though.
  18. I'd love to see what my set up was back in 08, it was probably around the time I had a shit Acoustic Solutions HD ready tv...
  19. Nag

    Forza Horizon

    Still enjoying it but the servers are fucking trash and its effecting certain parts of the game which is a damn shame.
  20. Nag

    Forza Horizon

    I've also started this thanks to GwG... Just what have I been missing! Just over an hour in and I've loved every second, looks decent enough and the music just adds to the whole package, I have no idea why but it's reminding me of the last SSX game... and I loved that.
  21. Nag

    Resident Evil HD

    It feels so wrong playing those games with full on analogue controls, although it does make them a lot easier. I've never had a problem with the tank controls so I stuck with those. Hope to god that the Resi 2 remake follows the mould of these games especially now they've changed up 7 as much as they have.
  22. Cheers Blakey, seems I actually have a few more options now in regards to who I could go with, not sure what's changed there... do BT have sole rights to run things for a certain amount of time on new builds?
  23. After having 5.1 on games and movies I'll never go back to normal sound.
  24. What's virtual surround sound like then? Any good?
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