Finished this last night... apart from the already mentioned Prison section (seriously, it's just too dark) and Eddie being a little bit of a prick during his fight the game didn't put a foot wrong... you could also say there's a little too much combat that can't really be avoided but then I can't remember the original to compare it to now.
I finished with the "leave" ending... and I've already made a start on NG+ (and found a chainsaw) to try for other endings, no radio or firearms and a collectables run...
I never thought I'd be saying this but it's easily the best game I've played this year but this is right in my ballpark being a third person survival horror... what with this the Resident Evil Remakes and Dead Space I've been fed well the last few years.
Speaking of Netflix, I doubt anyone missed it, but Ghibli's latest, The Boy and the Heron, is on there right now. IIRC it got an extremely positive reception and supposedly was a very personal project for Miyazaki, so I'm rather interested in checking it out.