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Lonely Mountains: Downhill / Snow Riders


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Been playing the new one of these, the skiing one, really enjoying it, the snow/skiing handling is really good, skiing down the mountain is just good fun imo. the snow looks amazing, and it’s cool how it deforms and leaves tracks as you have multiple retries. There’s loads of different routes down to save time etc. and obvs there are replays on YouTube of people flying over everything with crazy speed, like this one:



Not sure how to describe the game, it’s sort of like trials but doesn’t work quite the same, and it’s in 3d, the perspective is sort of like a diorama. You can just ski down the hill without worry about times or challenges if you want but the main single player is beating times and avoiding crashes challenges, which  like trials can be pretty frustrating, but apparently that’s what I like.


it doesn’t work like trials in how it records time, as in your time gets reset if you crash so your time at the end is all your sectors added up, where trials includes all the time you spent crashing.


theres multiplayer but not played that much.


theres quite a few ui bugs too, which i expect will be sorted in a patch. And it could do with a way to see how you’re doing against the challenge times during a stage, although there maybe features in like that which are a little broken when I last tried, and there is an unlockable ghost mode which also should help with that problem.

think it’s out on pc and Xbox at the moment, and on gamepass, suspect it will come to other formats too as the old one is on switch and ps too.


 The old game is the same basically but with mountain biking, I didn’t like it at first but ended up really liking it after giving it another go.

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3 minutes ago, spatular said:

The old game is the same basically but with mountain biking, I didn’t like it at first but ended up really liking it after giving it another go.

Might give this a go if that’s the case. I didn’t like the last one either whereas everyone else seemed to adore it. 

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I can’t remember what I originally didn’t like about the downhill one to give that any more context, think I didn’t understand how the timing worked at first maybe? Guess if you have gamepass not losing much in giving it a try.

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Finished this the other day, well did all the challenges, really enjoyed it, still playing a bit to improve some times but hoping it gets patched soon as there’s some obvious stuff missing that will make time trials a lot better.

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