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The Quarry


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This is the new Supermassive Games title that came out about a month ago. If you’ve played Until Dawn you know exactly what to expect. Although I’d say the ratio of movie to game is a lot heavier on the movie side than Until Dawn and even the game parts have been stripped back a bit more. 

I’ve just finished chapter 4 and really enjoying it. This is good fun. I think it’s probably a little slow to start but once in chapter 3 it takes off. 

I think the characters are more likeable than they were in Until Dawn. Partly I simply just like these characters more than the other characters but it might also help that the motion capture, faces, lip syncing, and most of the way characters move is significantly better than before. The fact they look and move more like humans makes them more likeable.


The acting and motion capture is insanely good, the rest of the game looks good, too. So the fact that the shadows, some of the god ray lighting and water effects are so low quality stands out like a sore thumb. Not normally something you’d give too much of a fuck about but considering it’s a movie game and the rest of it looks so good it’s really distracting and unfortunate.


Also I’m only going to give a one sentence premise of the game but I’ll put it in spoilers anyway



Young kids/adults are alone at a lodge in the woods and there’s a monster running around trying to kill them. It’s also called The Quarry so guess where it comes from. In many, many ways this game has basically an identical script to Until Dawn so far. Which does comes off a little lazy.


I have really enjoyed it, though. It’s a fun game to, well, play is a strong word. Occasionally participate in. But I like watching it. Despite being teen horror it’s kind of easy going and a fun ride. 

Oh. One tip, because I was really confused by this for like 30 minutes. 


These are what the QTE’s look like and that’s not a circle button, that’s the prompt for analogue stick. On the first few I was trying to hit circle and kept failing because I really thought that was the circle button

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Please @nag I’m grieving my shit reaction times and poor decision making 


I just went back in to try correct the past. But it’s immediately unsatisfying and my investment is gone. 

Taking my butt hurt out of the equation though this game is really good. Liked it a whole lot 

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