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Dark Souls 2


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If you burn the Sublime Bone Dust in a bonfire, it increases the strength of your Estus Flask. That's all it does, so definitely do that.

You won't see any spiders at all untill you reach Brightstone Cove, which you are ages away from. :-)

The trio of Ruin Sentinels are indeed wankers. One of the toughest fights in the game. Individually they're not too difficult, but 3 on 1 is a very tough fight indeed. Ideally you can kill the first one on the ledge you start on, before taking the other two on. He hit me once off that ledge and that led to all 3 gangbanging me to death.

There is a summon sign just before you attack them, but he didn't do much good for me.

As you've reached Mcduff's Workshop, that area has a fair few enemies that are easy to kill. I farmed the area clear to level up and make the Sentinels easier to withstand.

Congrats on killing The Pursuer, that Drangleic armour is indeed bloody good, used it for most of the game. The Ring of Blades he drops is also useful.

You're right to be curious about the Pit in Mangula, but getting down there is another thing entirely....

Took on the Looking Glass Knight. Killed him first time. Just ordered Dark Souls 1, as now I've finally "clicked" with the series think I can manage that now.

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There's a couple of options with the pit. One is to get the ring and slowly make your way down bit by bit. The second is to find someone who will wait by it later and give them lots of souls.

The Soul Vessel is for resetting your stats. You give it to the old hags in Things Betwixt and you can reassign your points.

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@andy - its been great reading your posts and how you have got so into ds2. your in for even more of a treat with ds!

im currently upto the cove area, approx 40 hours and just shy of level 100 (took me heinous amounts of farming and 100hours to get to that level in ds1).

definitely think this game is easier but could be due to there being much more online activity (there is pretty much only hateful pvpers and dedicated sunbros in ds1 now).

anyway, loving ds2. did the gargoyles in belfry luna 1st attempt this morning, love that satisfaction you get after a real close boss battle ends with victory.

the giant rat/dog thing is a pain. delighted i found the black knight halberd though! need more dex.

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This is definitely going to be one of my favourite games of this gen, if not ever. The feeling of satisfaction when things go right is genuinely unique. I've died 202 times, and every one I've deserved it. Even now at times it's tempting to attack one too many times, and you pay the price for it.

Went through the Shrine of Amana today, and it's the only area of the game that pissed me off. Filled with water, with several insta-kill deep sections. Holy Mage biatches that bombard you with damaging magic. And when you rush up to kill the twats, lizardmen cheerfully pop up to hit you and cause Bleed.

Gritted my teeth to get through there, and now I have I won't return to it.

Levelled up quite nicely now, Level 180 and put at least 80 hours in. Think I'm gradually getting close to the end. Which is why I've got DS1 on the way :-)

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I'm completely stuck at Dead-Man's Wharf. I've gone full circle, and I'm at what appears to be the end - a dead end... Two walkways, one leading to an NPC who tells me he has "no interest in the magic impaired", and the other leading to a dead end, facing towards the big ship in the distance. Where do I go next?

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There's a lever to pull that will bring the ship to you. I completely missed it too. As much as I can remember is it's up top on one of the buildings nearer to the ship end than the beginning.

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Yep, the ship is your objective. Watch your step on the boards when you're heading there. There's a few Vanguard Soldiers that'll hit you into the water if you're not careful.

That NPC not interested in "the magic impared" will only talk to you when your Intelligence is at Level 10. Otherwise you can't interact with him at all.

Did a Aerie and Shrine area. Some bloody hard enemies, but christ it looks absolutely breathtaking. Probably the best looking area in the entire game. Cannot wait to see what From

come up with for PS4.

Looks like the end is in sight.

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Thanks for the advice I eventually found that little lever!

I beat the boss who is possibly the easiest boss in any Dark Souls game ever? Up there with the Iron Golem in Sen's Fortress.

That took me back to the Last Bastille and after goofing around in there I'm at a complete loss, because the only thing to do seems to be to take on the boss. I gave it a few tries. Sometimes I kill the first guy on the ledge, most of the time I get knocked down and have to fight all three together. One time I killed the first guy on the ledge, and then another one jumped up on the ledge - I thought that was promising but then he killed me. The annoying thing is there are no summon signs outside the boss (not right now anyway). I'll try tomorrow afternoon and hopefully I can get some help.

Is there anywhere else I can go in the game at this point or do I have to beat this boss?

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I can't remember there specifically but there are some places where the boss is a necessity and then there will be a bonfire dead end which is only there to take you back to Majula, not move anywhere else.

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I can't remember there specifically but there are some places where the boss is a necessity and then there will be a bonfire dead end which is only there to take you back to Majula, not move anywhere else.

What I mean is, is there any new location in the world I can travel to?

I know there is a Pharros Contraption in The Lost Bastille but I don't have a lockstone.

I think what I'll do is buy the ring that reduces fall damage, then I can check out the pit in Majula, and the fire area in the forest.

Edit: Well that did the trick! I bought the ring and the first treasure I picked up in the pit was a lockstone! I kept going down and came to an area called the Grave of Saints. I know the pit went further down that that, and also I saw an other exit on the opposite side, but anyway it was the Grave of Saints I ended up going into. Seems like a shitty area full of pigs and skeletons and weird rat statues. Funnily enough, I read a message on the ground saying "beware of phantom". Two seconds later I was being "summoned as a grey spirit". Brought into a pvp fight against some guy firing lightning bolts and also a bunch of rats in the area. Needless to say I lost! I saw there was a lot of Pharros Contraptions in this area.

But I left and went back to the Lost Bastille, used the Pharros Contraption there and that opened up a new area called Sinner's Rise. So now I have Sinner's Rise and the Grave of Saints to explore...

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Sinner's Rise is a great place to gain Souls, so it's worth checking out.

As for the Ruin Sentinels, there's a Summon Sign in one of the cells to the right of the corridor just before the fog gate.

Taking the first one out on that ledge is very important, fighting 3 at once is pretty much suicide. Once you manage to kill him, get the hell off that ledge.

It's tempting to stay up there and fight the other 2, but when they leap up you'll get battered.Drop to the ground floor, lock on to one of them, and try to strave so that they are both on the same side of you. That's tough, as they like to hop around, but keep at it. When you get chance, hit one of them, eventually he will die. Then you've just one to go.

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I can't seem to summon anybody to fights bosses these days...no matter where I try. I don't know if it has something to do with my level, I'm only level 70 which I would have thought is comparatively low, given how easy you level up in this game. Gave a few more attempts at the Lost Bastille boss, not much joy. Did someone say there was an NPC summon in one of the cells? I don't see any.

Similar story in Sinner's Rise. Funnily enough, on my first try, I was strafing him and got in a lot of damage on him, thought it was going to be an easy fight, but then he killed me and since then all my attempts have been way less successful! Damn his annoyingly long reach... Ah I'll get him though. It would be a doddle if I could someone someone for aggro. At least with both bosses I can run from the bonfire to the boss in about a minute, so it's not too bad.

I went back to the Grave of Saints - got summoned AGAIN and this time I won! Trashed him too. I guess the Halberd +6 is no slouch! From there I made it to the bonfire and the hilarious boss fight, which I won eventually. I didn't join the rat covenant though...That led me to the bottom of the well (I managed to pick up the Ash Knuckle Ring in the chest but I didn't try for the other treasure) and on to the Gutter a.k.a Blighttown Mark 2.

Right now I'm quite annoyed because I was standing outside the fog door in The Gutter and I decided to explore around the side of it, I went into a cave and some weird mushrooms or something ran out at me, so I retreated and fell to my death... 20,000 souls down the drain. Unless I make it back to them.

I've actually thrown away 15-2000 souls three or four times now which is mildly annoying. :(

I did pick up another boost for my Estus though, so now I have six +2 estus flasks.

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Are you fully human? You need to be human to see the summon signs for both human summons and AI.

It's also possible you might be over-levelled, I dunno.

Ah shit! No I'm hollow that explains it!

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That's exactly it. If you're Hollow, you'll never see the summon signs. Pretty much every boss has one either near the fog gate, or in the general vacinity.

Your level doesn't matter in that respect, I levelled up like mad yet still saw the signs when human.

The Ruin Sentinel summon is definitely there. The long corridor where the fog gate is, is full of jail cells, most of them you can't go into. The summon sign is in a cell on the right hand side.

Bringing a summon to the Lost Sinner fight will make her much easier.

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