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Starseed Pilgrim


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Well games come in all shapes in sizes, and Starseed Pilgrim is weird.

"Advice for playing Starseed Pilgrim: As long as you still have questions, continue." - Jonathan Blow

Ok Jon!



From what I understand so far, your character starts off with 10 "moves". And by "moves" I mean the coloured dots above his head (seeds?) which you press space to use/plant. You always plant the bottom of the three dots. These seeds then grow into coloured block formations which vary in behaviour according to their colour. Your character can move and jump around, as well as break blocks below or to the side of him, but you can't break blocks above you.

In terms of the purpose of the game, the only thing I've discovered so far is that if you reach one of those black squares with a star in it - then you are transported to a kind of black and white version of the same world where you can explore and pick up things like keys and hearts, which I have found no use for so far. However in the black or white or monochrome version, you can only explore squares which you filled with blocks in the coloured world. So for example if you jump into one of those stars - you will find yourself trapped in a one square room which you cannot escape, because none of the blocks around it were filled in.

So basically the coloured blocks create the explorable space of the second world.

Anyway that's my interpretation of it so far!

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