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Yakuza 4


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First things first, I stuck this on easy because I thought I'd be more interested in the story and world than the repeated random (ish) combat, and damn do I regret it. On normal I'm sure the challenges when you're just trying to get from a to b would get a bit dull, but there's no challenge at all on easy so far.

The big change of note is that you don't start the game as Kazuma, instead you start as a kind hearted loan shark who sets his customers challenges to prove they're trustworthy. His life is fairly funny though, a nice change to Kazuma and his stoicism.

The peripheral stuff is still a big selling point. There's a cheerful foreigner that tells you to take photos of exciting events, these are piss funny, the first involves an underwear thief. There's also the usual arcades and hostess bars, the latter of which takes hours if you take it as a side quest.

I've had a bit of a break as I was just about to start chapter 2 (with new character), which I think might be another improvement as Yakuza games are generally a bit too long

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