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Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi


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I doubt this will get many posts, and nor should it really, but I know Hinn bought it.

It's an odd game, like pretty much every Dragon Ball Z game ever it's a retread of the story, unlike the last DBZ game I played (the first Wii one) it's not a fighter as such anymore. Well it is, but it's like the Azura's Wrath demo in that you're really just triggering things to watch.

For example you start a fight, charge in and hit punch a couple of times, this then lets you choose whether to start a combo or launch your opponent in to the air, if your opponent matches your choice they counter. There's not much more to the fighting, there's special moves and you can learn to game the system a bit but this isn't an SNK game.

Outside of fights you might get in to a chase, this involves QTEs. You can look around the overworld map sometimes, and what the game likes to do is load you into the overworld so you can travel a bit and spot your destination, then load again so you get a bit of text then enter your destination. The game loves loading, and quite often it's loading absolutely nothing new and taking a good 30 seconds about it.

It looks nice and the special effects are nice, theres some remastered (I think) anime footage in there, but it's not very smooth. The fights look great, which is why, beyond having to, I've been ploughing along punching people through mountains. It's a poor game but I reckon anyone that likes Dragon Ball is going to love it.

It's fucking long though, hope it stops at the end of Z and doesn't bother with the GT shite, although I'm not holding out much hope

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I'm playing it on the 360 but it's on the PS3 too. It's such an odd game, it's barely a game at all half the time, and it has some stupid design decisions (like there's capsules to collect while the game loads, but they aren't for anything). I don't know if it's the explosions and shouting, but there's something about it that acts like sugar, I've put hours in to it today. I started this morning fighting Vegeta for the first time, and just stopped returning to the future as Trunks to punch Cell in the cock once and for all.

That's the problem though, I've probably put around 7 or 8 hours in today, all pretty much doing the same thing. I dash up to my opponent, land an attack, choose either to combo or launch him (which basically amounts to the same thing, it's just a case of choosing the opposite one to your foe). Charging up my special meter incase I need to defend myself from an incoming super move, and in terms of the fighting that's about it. Oh, and then loading screens.

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  • 6 months later...

Ive been playing this. Whilst its been great to relive the story from Vegeta to Buu again by fuck the actual game play is dull. Like Ben says in a lot of respects your just triggering things to watch. Sure there's a bit of fighting, its best to get behind your opponent so as get the opportunity to mash buttons and not be interrupted, but thats as tactical as it gets on the difficulty ive been playing on.

I managed to get through the story mode with subtitles and another TV distracting me with Olympic goodness but im not sure i can manage Hero Mode (make your own warrior, train with masters to learn new skills, probably fight the same opponents using the same moves as in Story Mode).

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