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Bought this a while ago and I've been playing it off and on, and I'm going to be bringing this up on this week's podcast, so I'd like to hear any opinions from people who remember it when it came out. Sadly, I can barely remember bits and pieces of it, but I know that Ben remembers there being loads of hype.

As it goes, it's a Megadrive platform shooting game that uses pre-rendered 3D models, so it was considered to be the Megadrive's answer to Donkey Kong Country. The animation is still quite smooth and impressive I think.

It's a shame as it has everything going for it to make it a great game, but the difficulty level is a bit too high I think.

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Yeah I could never get on with it, and playing it again recently reminded me that it was because it was bastard hard. You just dont see far enough ahead of you to get out of the way of things.

I cant remember why it was so hyped, possibly because SEGA thought it was going to be their next big game franchise, but maybe it was just because of the graphics, which are pretty big. To be honest it was about the time I stopped really bothering with games so much, and it was only later when i was using an emulator that i realised there was a sequel

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