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Everything posted by Centy

  1. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    illdog wrote: Yeah you'll find you have to do that a fair bit in the beginning but you will eventually find ways round that as it gets bloody expensive. Glad to see you're enjoying it so far and kudos on the skill point loe they are great .
  2. Based on the Quake II and 4 universe massive sprawling maps with no fogging and brilliant team based play. Simply explained through maths Wolf:ET + Battlefield 2 + Alien VS Predator 2 - the aliens + shit loads of excellent gameplay = QW and a bloody excellent game. I got into the Beta for this yesterday and have played as much as i possibly could since then and my my my have the 2 years of waiting have been worth it. The game plays almost exactly like WolfET but without all the limits of an old engine removed simply put this is the best PC game i have ever played and its only a beta of 1 map its going to be like a gaming orgasm for me when my copy arrives. The few problems i've noticed are the same with any teambased multiplayer game and thats n00bs or more specifically n00bs that dont understand the objecctives if they were just rubbish i would understand but the heavy teamwork aspect of this game means more than 4 n00bs on a team and you're screwed. The game is so strategic it is hard to work out where everything is luckily i jumped straight in being the old Wolf:Et man i am and quite simply if you have a PC and the concept of a heavily teambased game with hugely differing sides interests you by god preorder this now. Not n00b friendly but that just makes it better when you have 2 teams of experience players im also doing quite well on the stats The game should be out on 360 and PS3 by the end of the year a few months after the PC version.
  3. This thread should be renamed RetroEd's Console Mods
  4. I would say it's a very solid and enjoyable darts game however worth 30 quid it is not. I said i wouldnt pay more than a tenner for this and I won' t if this had WFC and some other games and more style i probably would pay full price.
  5. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    Well I got myself a Bard and bloody hell i keep saying to myself "if only I got one when i started" finding her so useful right now, I had the combination of the Hexer and Troubador working nicely draining them and buffing me but i had to pick 1 to press on with and I went for the Troubador, Because if needs be they can use great swords and do more damage in dire circumstances. So time got level grind again *sigh* but by the time she's lv30 or so i will press on so my current line up now sits as the following Main Party: F Gatsu- Lv48 Landsknecht (Axe user) Takashi- Lv45 Ronin R Jedeau- Lv48 Alchemist Griffisu- Lv51 Medic Bacon- Lv13 Troubador Substitute Bench: Centy- Lv40 Landsknecht (Sword user) Caska- Lv48 DarkHunter (Whip User) Rosavi- Lv31 Hexer
  6. Centy

    DS Homebrew thread

    moggymatt wrote: can you email or link me then matey i havent used DSO in ages i'll also need that usb dongle fix
  7. How have i not seen this thread before ah well mine in no particular order are 1. Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones [GBA] the best one i have played so far out of the 4 i have played. 2. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance [GBA] In my opinion the best GBA game in existance simply sublime 3. Osu! Tattakae! Ouendan! 2 [DS] Surpassed the original for me in just about every way 4. Super Mario Bros 3 [NES] My favourite mario game has to get a mention 5. Animal Crossing Wild World [DS] the only game to have me playing almost every day for a year 6. Naruto Geikitou Ninja Taisen 3 [GC] The best fighting game i have ever played 7. Kirby's Adventure [NES] was fantastic i highly recommend getting Kirby's nightmare in dreamland for gba as its a nice remake 8. Perfect Dark [N64] The best reason to own such a superb machine 9. Skies of Arcadia [GC] granted its a Dreamcast game but this has some nice extras 10. im not putting a 10th game im bigging up all the games that deserve to be here but cant due to only being allowed 10 if it was the top 290 that would be a different story but they are probably my top 9 at this point in time im sure in a few years Etrian Odyssey will be there aswell
  8. Centy

    Mysims (Wii)

    Found this developers walkthrough of the game seems like the official myspace version of animal crossing to me but still looks like it has atleast some originality in the series finally. QJ article with IGN video
  9. Centy

    DS Homebrew thread

    Phooey wrote: You should just go for it phooey there's plenty of puzzley homebrew going but i must say you take some convincing between here and DSR im surprised you've avoided it this long
  10. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    Top Notch! Might have to get me one but i just can't for the life of me think who i would replace but it would be nice to have one especially if they level that quick Yeah I've been working my Ronin hard to get him there though i have noticed his defense is quite low compared to my other fighter and he's wearing all the Tiger armour stuff.
  11. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    My Level 43 Ronin Takashi has Lv 10 Katanas Lv 10 Attack Lv 8 Crit up (worth every point) Lv 1 Sight Lv 1 Ibuki (health Regen) Lv 5 Overhead Lv 1 Kesagiri (power attack) Lv 1 Zamba (not as good as Midareba) Lv 1 Medareba (multiple strikes far more effective than Zamba) Lv 2 Iai Lv 2 Kubiuchi (instant kill) A bit jumbled but i would suggest focusing on the atck and Katana's first then Crit up and Overhead so you can use Midareba which is a very effective move.
  12. Frankly i love the white i have the pearl white ds phat and compare it to the lite its like that Vanish advert where the woman thinks her whites are white but they are all dingy i love it and frankly the second ed decides to sell this one or start charging for mods my cube is in the post
  13. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    Spike wrote: Thats really strange I'm loving my Ronin and not greatly impressed with my Hexer I have maxed out her Death Gaze and am working up suicide (which barely does anything right now), yet my Ronin is 8 levels behind my axe Landsknecht and already capable of doing the same standard damage but also healing himself. Like I say I'm experimenting with the line up right now hopefully the Hexer will improve but right now my Dark hunter has all the similar bind skills aswell as poison, argh not sure. Why only 5 party members Atlus Have you got a bard or used one at all Spike ive been hearing they can pretty much replace going back to wells or the Inn.
  14. Centy

    Jet Impulse / DS Air

    Well as i mentioned this in the podcast ive been regularly staying up late to play this game online and its sill a bit hit and miss but im on chapter 8 of story mode and its suddenly got bastard hard i was sailing through it uptill now but its giving me the chance to play the Flee Pray mode (hehe) and use the points to get more lovely unlockables. At this point i would reccommend this to anyone who likes a good flight sim DS Air still being no where in sight means this is the best you'll get and its all very easy to understand with the Jet Impulse Strategy wiki page
  15. Centy

    Etrian Odyssey

    Well still whoring this game up like its going out of style and i have actually begun the long boring process of grinding up my substitute bench incase i need them later on. Currently leveling up my Landsknecht with more sword abilities incase they are required as the my main Landsknecht uses an axe and is my main physical offensive man. Also my Ronin is being brought upto speed as is my Hexer who is quite a bit behind the rest and my medic and dark hunter came along incase they got into trouble. Having just entered the second floor of the 4th stratum im not going any further until i have my whole party upto the big 50 mark call me cautious call me a geek i just want to be prepared for anything
  16. Centy

    Sim City Ds

    I think its just becasue there is much more going on in Sim City, themepark almost feels a bit chunkier maybe its all psycological either way both games take some getting used to.
  17. Centy

    Sim City Ds

    I had a go of this and just thought it was far too fiddly i just couldnt play it on such a small screen which is a shame as Themepark was near perfect in that reguard but i can see how if you can get past that Sim City on the DS is a dream come true.
  18. Centy

    Piracy R us

    RetroEd wrote: KFC still sells chicken no matter where they are so you'd expect Toy'r'us to still sell real goods.
  19. Centy

    DS Homebrew thread

    RetroEd wrote: Yep this was my homebrew pick of the week even though i hadnt played it :S but i now have and im glad i picked it its awesome i command you to get it though its in the kind of format i don't like where its not just 1 file i hate having other directories on my card but since the only other option is a gamegear emulator and the lemmings rom without touchscreen controls i think this is best and a bloody good coding job.
  20. Centy

    Piracy R us

    Yes Its true pirate games are so close to the real thing that Toy'r'us is actually selling them off the shelves. Source
  21. Hello so where did you stumble into this site from?
  22. Yep CustomPC a magzine in the UK lets you set it up for playing Half life 2 its pretty amazing stuff if a little pointless it was up a few months ago on thier forum how to turn the wiimote into a mouse through a bluetooth dongle.
  23. Centy

    Stu's Collection

    Cant you try a disc recovery thing my kirby air ride was scratched and i used the magical hori cloth and it works perfect now.
  24. Hendo wrote: Yeah bit annoying i failed to get to cheerleader mode first but i have the excuse of Etrian Odyssey being a permanent fixture in my ds these days and im on cheerleader mode and working towards olay olay and that all i wanted
  25. Ben wrote: illdog wrote: Fucking bang on I would much rather play a game that makes me say "FUCKING HELL! im in a truck thats about 100ft in the air WOOOO!" or "man i just 360ed right round that corner" than play a game that makes me think ooh look at the reflective nature of that cars chassis I have played a few realistic racing games but only with the advent of the ps2 and upwards have they truely become simulations with proper physics etc they are ok but none of them are anything new Give me Sega Rally on Wii over a Forza or GT game.
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