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The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog


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The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog is a visual novel detective game Sega put out on April Fools day, and it's actually pretty good 


The gist of the plot is that the Sonic gang (which along with the regulars includes Vector, Espio and Blaze, if you're wondering how obscure we're going) hire an event train for Amy's birthday to play a murder mystery. You are the assistant to the conductor, and your job is to keep everyone safe and happy, which means you're rolling around with Tails solving puzzles and interrogating people 


The gameplay is fairly basic, but there's enough to it that it's a fun ride while it lasts. You click around a room for evidence, then you present it to people as part of the interrogation. You then need to get your thoughts in order which involves a short Sonic level. These aren't proper levels, they're more like the bonus stages from Sonic 2, but isometric like they're being played on an old phone. They're less about platforming and more about picking the right lane to collect the most rings. Hit the target and you make your case, eventually moving on to the next room and the next set of characters to speak to 


It's quite well written, not laugh out loud funny but with better humour than you might expect. It probably helps that it's only a couple of hours long, but yeah, it's a decent little pallete cleanser, or a good weekend afternoon game

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