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Fable Heroes


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First of all i didnt realise just how much of the Fable "feel" is in the music, certainly more evident when it isnt there. The music in Fable Heroes would be more at home in a Banjo Kazooie game.

The game play is simple: hack and slash your way from left all the way to the right with three AI or humans, collecting coins by killing enemies and destoying smashable objects. On the way are chests to open which contain score multipliers or battle enhancements (like Giant mode, speed up etc). At the end of the level is either a boss battle or a mini games. The winner is the one with the most coin.

Coins are spent at the end of the level via a board game. Each square of the board represents a specific set of upgrades, for example one square will have atticking upgrade options, another strength upgrades, one for appearence and there are squares that allow you to become stronger against certain types of enemy (like Clockwork, Hobbe, Balverine). If your playing single player you also get to upgrade your team mates, amking the four of you a bit more of a force to be reckoned with.

And thats pretty much it. I think the ultimate goal is to earn enough coin in each specific Fable themed level to get a gold medal. Its a lot more fun in four player online mode than it is single player, probaly even better with three other people you actually know.

Im not sure this is for every one. Its not very deep, what you see is basically what you get but if you a fan of Fable hack and slash action then you'll like this i guess. Ive nejoyed what i played but then i get quite addicted to games that let you slowly power yourself up, always pretty satisfying when you blitz through a level like a God that you onced struggled though.

I beat the game once

which rewarded me with Dark Albion and basically the whole game again, just more challenging. I'll be cracking on with that next


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