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Let's fix digital distribution


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Even if a game is short, if we as people who are passionate about games think that £7 is unreasonable for a fun, original creation then I really think it's a case of "not knowing you're born". Video games have to be profitable, or at least sustainable and they're at the point now where they can be if we're able to look past our abitary dis-valuing of directly delivered content. Loosen the purse strings and be happy doing so!

I get that, but it's a bit of a leap for a lot of people, to go from being used to selling games on, to then not.

My main issue is that you don't own the product in quite the same way, it's more like renting. Take the Virtual Console for example, there's no profile to re-download (like there is for Xbox) so if your Wii breaks you're gonna have to get a new one which will be wiped clean. I think that you can hassle Nintendo into getting your old downloads back, but it's not as obvious to do as the other systems.

More to the point, when the next Nintendo system comes along (Wii HD, likely), the chances are it will also have a download shop, but then it will be the same old games being re-sold and if you want to play them on the new machine then you'll most likely have to buy them again. In that, I mean that if the Shop has LostWinds and A Link To The Past on it then I'll have to buy them again if I want to play them on the new system. They could work out a way to link your old account to the new Shop, but I very much doubt they would.

And that's one of the problems that I buy a DS game and I know it will work on any old, current or future DS console but a DSi game, I'm not so sure how that will work in the future if my system dies.

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  • 3 months later...

Figured this needed bumping what with the PSP Go being out and also this piece of info in the news:

Nintendo has explained to Eurogamer that DSiWare purchases cannot be transferred to additional DSi machines, meaning any games or applications are locked to whichever system they're bought on.

The explanation comes as Nintendo prepares three new DSi colours for Europe: Metallic Blue, Light Blue and Red. They arrive on 23rd October, pre-installed with Facebook and Flipnote Studio.

Nevertheless, Nintendo is prepare to transfer DSiWare downloads should your DSi break and you send it in for repair or replacement. That is the only way.

I think that's the same way that the Wii stuff works but god knows how you prove who you are if you didn't sync your Wii account to your Stars account or if you never bought stuff with a credit card.

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