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Frontlines: Fuel of War - Xbox 360


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... Its the shit!

Seriously... i played it and now i am like.... what the fuck is COD4 :P

After a few teething problems with servers and also a serious lack of tutorials... i am finally firmly into this game and have to say its one of the best things i have ever played to this date!!

I never got into battlefield2 but i am told its very similar.

The basics are, you choose your spawn weaponry and then a class and go do your stuff.

This simply means, you choose from a range of weapons for different types of offensive or defensive action, and then choose a bunch of cool toys to play with.

As you get more kills, or objectives upgrades to your toys unlock.

As an example... i like to defend zones... so i choose a Specialist character who is equipt with a mid range silenced rifle and a pistol. Instead of greanades Special has C4 with remote detonation :)

For my toys i choose drones. You basically start out with a recon drone that you can fly around the map.

It hilites enemies on yours and your team mates hud and you can also detonate it to take out a pesky sniper if you get close enough.

Upgrades include moving gun turrets, moving rocket turret, a radio controlled block of explosives that you can drive under tanks and blow them sky high.. and these are just the drone loadouts.

Im still learning all the ins and outs, but the servers are really cool and mean that there really is NO lag in these massive 15 on 15 games.

I totally love it and reccomend it to anyone that has got a bit fed up with COD.

Be warned though...there is lots to learn... Its actually quite helpful to trawl the internet for tutorial vids.

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I am interested in this as i was well into BF2 on the PC. BF2142 didnt really cut it in my book, and Quake Wars, was good, but just didnt grab me like BF2 did.

This is made by one of the best Mod teams that did projects for BF2, so it should be good. Might have to get it...

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Ha ha

OK.. well right NOW it feels like one of the best things i have played... but i get like that about lots of stuff.

I love it because it seems like there is still so much to learn.

I WANT to keep playing it because i learn something new each time.

Pluss... its even fun when you lose!

Last night our team was getting absolutely owned again and again, but i still had a bloody good time trying to defend certain points and got heaps of kills and points in the process.

Due to the number of players they removed tema speak.. otherwise the VOP would be chaos and garbled.

Instead you have squads... anyone can form their own squad and invite others to join. You can also apply to join anyone elses squad.

Once in you can all communicate with each other and you get a waypoint marker to your squad leader.

They are adding a patch that will let squad leaders communicate wiht one another for even more organised attacks.

When you die you can also choose to spawn on your leader wherever he may be which is cool.

Pretty much every time i play it turns into an EPIC battle.

I joined a server and it was just me and this other guy against one another for a while... but it quickly turned into 8 vs 8 and its really cool to see how the dynamic changes.

The tide can also turn at any point. Most rounds i play honestly last about half an hour!!! Often one team will push the frontline righ back so they have one capture point left, but then the other team will come back with a vengence.

I think this shows what a great game it really is, because all it takes is a bit of teamplay and tactical thinking from a few members of the other side to turn a loss into a win.

If any of you get it then add my gamertag so we can team up.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know what happened but last night something clicked in my head and i really want to get this now. Part of is that i have a hankering for some good old fashioned Battlefield 2 multiplayer - as when its done right its awesome - and Frontlines fits the bill as its made by a group of people who used to build mods for BF2.

So hopefully Oliath, ill have this next week and we shall kick some serious bottom.

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I'd actually suggest holding your horses on that purchase shin.

I have a friend who is on the battlefield beta and says its even better. Its COD style graphics, fully destructable environments and offers everything frontlines does but better.

I am also finding that already people have learned loads of exploits on frontlines :-(

So you basically get a tonne of snipers running to hide in the hills behind your base as soon as the match starts and then spawn raping you... which sucks.

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Which Battlefield is that, the Bad Company one?

Might hold out for that, but EA are renowned for releasing unfinished games that needs patching :P

Hopefully it wont be that bad as its on a console...

And Bad Company aint out till June...

Maybe if i see Fuel of War cheap i'll pick it up...

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Yeah Bad Company...

I think this one will be good cos they have released a BETA to iron out all the bugs.

My mate says its brilliant too... as in it looks amazing and runs really smoothly and you can destroy anything. He said there was a guy just blowing holes in walls and running accross the map through buildings to avoid sniper fire.

Also.. there was a sniper hiding in a building... so he drove his tank through it ha ha.

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  • 4 years later...

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