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Mercury Meltdown Revolution


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Very much first impressions after about 45 minutes on the game....

It's very different to Kororinpa, you hold the wiimote in the "Excite Truck" position.

The blob is slow, but it feels weighty....

You can use the Classic Controller too, where the L stick controls the tilt, I've not tried this yet.

so far, so good!

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Been playing this for the last hour or so, and it's everything I wanted, not to mention everything I waited for.

As Stu says it feels a lot more weighty than Kororinpa, and initially I missed the freedom that you had from controlling everything about the level, but this has probably more depth going for it, and isn't as awkward to control as Kororinpa.

I've already unlocked the 2nd world and a couple of minigames which are actually damn good fun, but it's a shame there's no multi at all. :(

The first one is Rodeo where you have to stay on a small level for as long as possible while a fan tries to blow you off (fnar), and the second is Race which is basically F-Zero but with a blob of mercury! However it's all against the clock and no other racers on but you, which is a shame.

So far on the main game I've tried to not move onto the next level until I've collected all available bonuses and done it under the clock. I think I've missed a couple but I'll probably go back before I move onto the second world.

So far, thumbs are in the upright position!


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Well I've been playing for quite a while now and it's great!

Seems to be loads of levels, I like the rewards that make you go back and get your pipette full up with little gold medals on it!

Control feels fine with the wiimote, though slightly easier with the classic controller.

Shame there's no 2 player.

Still not convinced with the art style yet... It may grow on me.

So yeah, another great Wii game!

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Been playing this some more now, I've unlocked and played all of the mini-games (seriously, they're really good and it definately needs multiplayer), and a few of the worlds (or labs) and I've come to a bit of a sticky point.

Around the 3rd lab it starts getting hard and I'm finding most levels after really tough to do. Luckily there should be guides on the PSP version (which should have exactly the same levels) which I'll need because a couple of levels I think of off the top of my head, I can't even work out what I have to do!

So tough but enjoyable, so far.

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  • 7 months later...

I dug this out the other day and gave it another go and I found that it's only really hard if you attempt to go for all the bonus stuff and get a decent time, and 100% mercury at the same time.

If you just try to finish a level and disregard all the other stuff, it's really not that bad.

I was thinking of starting a "pass the game round" type of thing, so if anyone is interested (no offence to anyone that, say, joined up today, by some strange coincidence :laugh:, only for regular members) I'd be quite happy to send this off for someone to play for a week or two then they send it to the next one.

Just a thought. :)

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