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Puzzle Series Vol. 1: Jigsaw Puzzle


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The very first instalment of Hudsons wonderful and sadly Japanese only* Puzzle series.

Basically, it's a jigsaw puzzle game upon your DS.

You choose your puzzle size, then style, then you do it.

There are various sizes of puzzles, but never do you have too many peices on the screen. Control is superb as you can probably imagine, its all done on the touch screen and you can move bits around your table to try them in various places, when they find a bit they wish to join to they click automatically and you then can move around the joined pieces, making it dead simple to play really.

As for styles, you get food, pets, trains, bomberman and many other seemingly random pictures and scenes, many secret ones to unlock too, which I'm guessing will include many more Hudson goodies.

There are also moving puzzles, where instead of making a still picture, you have to make a movie. that's hard to explain, but basically you do it like a standard puzzle, but the picture on the bits is constantly moving. These are tricky!

So all in all, this is a great little time waster, perfect for when you need a shit.

*ok, volume 3 did get a release over here as Sudoku Gridmaster.

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