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Posts posted by shinymcshine

  1. Seems weirdly appropriate for the Easter Weekend......



    Well that was a heel turn !


    (Tried to put photo here too but failed - how do you even do that ?)



  2. Probably a little surprised, unless it happened all those years ago on initial release, that there's no hardline western / Christian furore about some of the themes covered in the game - in particular the lessons on historical ritual magic and tarot.


    Probably the first time outside of direct horror themed games that John Dee, Aleister Crowley et al come up, especially set in a timeline of historic learning rather than a direct plot device.


    I like it !

  3. Probably something retro that felt fantastic at the time, but feels a bit rubbish now (so long as I regain that fantastic feeling too).


    So maybe: ES Daggerfall, GTA Vice City, Vagrant Story, Pokémon Red/Blue, Bloodwych (couch co-op C64).

  4. Well, that's the 03 Nov big fight (fights) on the bridge taken care of, and a suggestion everything will be fine, just got a party in the dorm to go to.....

  5. "So what happens for the most part in Reload is clear 1 block in 1 night, then grind the social sim for 30 days (with odd exceptions) then story mission, then the next month. So it is repetitive."


    Yep, that's exactly it - wouldn't be quite so bad if you didn't also have to sit through all the transition screens too (e.g. morning, day, afternoon , evening) in between undertaking the daily social actions.


    Fortunately there's a good part of it I like, and that's what's keeping me going.

  6. 90 hrs, MC Lv 60, and running up to the end of October, 7 days to next full moon, currently blocked at Tower Floor 172.


    Did just max out Chihiro (Justice) social link.


    I'll be glad when it's over, but will be sticking it out to the end (it just lacks variation overall, plus from those 90 hrs it feels that maybe a third has been reading text, pressing X to continue, watching animated scenes etc - so not particularly unusual for JRPG, but nothing too endearing for me).

  7. The October full moon, or rather the events around it, was an unexpected twist !


    Didn't expect Shinjiro to die, I felt I'd been making decent progress with him, and in some way would have preferred it if Ken had gone.


    I've thought the twist it was building up to would be Junpei defecting over to Strega (and maybe that's still to come...)


    No spoilers though please.


  8. I had a 25 point lead halfway through the game, felt bad that I lost, but at least I suppose it wasn't my fault.....


    Cribbage Classic -Pro level  (Android)


  9. The Jotun of Authority (and it's henchmen) were a bit tougher on Tower Lv 136 - again I got past it without losing my MC but was a much longer fight than I'd been having most of the time - but even once I'd identified each weakness they were still a slow chip away to defeat (even Theurgy didn't do massive damage).

  10. That's the Sept boss dealt with.



    Honestly all the bosses have been a bit underwhelming - didn't have an issues taking out that big web of electric cables, first time, with Yukari, Mitsuru and Koromaru, all of us being Lv 40something.


  11. KCD was alright - the lock picking and archery certainly required more of the player's hard skills to master than other RPGs required - but the storyline was pretty linear / restrictive.

  12. 9 hours ago, HandsomeDead said:

    What are you doing? I was watching the credits at 85 hours.


    Blimey !


    I'm on 66 hrs and I'm still only at the end of August (MC at LV 46).

  13. One thing that narks me with the gameplay is that I can't tag a Persona to be my default one (i.e. to always be the one my MC starts with in each battle).


    So I'd really like the one that gives me +5SP (and Defence buffs) to open every fight, but it always goes to the one you'd used last (yep I know you can manually switch back between fights, but it's a bit irksome).

  14. I was sort of confused about the subtitle - 6 Decades ?!?! 


    So looked it up (more wondering if they'd included something weird from the 60s).


    "From Ants to Zombies is a showcase for the remarkable range horror gaming has achieved, across six decades, from the 1970s to the 2020s, and over 70 hardware platforms"


    Which is really 5 and a bit decades to be pedantic.....





  15. Yukari seems okay for me - she's got a decent enough Wind attack & Healing, and Bow doesn't seem that bad (for me) either (have you changed it up either at Police Station or Antique Shop?)


    It's the 2 other guys that seem a bit meh for me.


    Come to think of it, from you posts on the other thread about your knee - should we call you Kazushi..... !?!?

  16. The other problem with alternative outfits is if you do find something great, and equip it, then you still end up with default outfits for cut scenes, which is always a bit weird and immersion breaking.


    Sure, wrapping all custom variations into cut scenes would add a bunch of cost, but it just irrationally irritates me in games when you've been rewarded with something great, but that's not later reflected in the cut scenes (clearly a bugbear much broader than just this game).

  17. I'm clearly getting a bit old (or maybe more reflective of modern values) when, after getting the battle panties and later pink bikini outfits for Yukari I was like - nope, you can put some proper clothes back on.

  18. I know it's kind of basic skills for this game, but I keep forgetting to switch things around between party members, and my MC can usually takedown most weaknesses with the variety of persona he has - but then burns through SP way faster than anyone else.


    So I have to remind myself to, let's say, do a minimal 1 foe weakness attack (rather than attack all, which costs more SP) then switch to someone else etc.


    I've hit the next floor barrier too (Floor 117?)


    I've been trying to 'run' with the Social Link (romance ?) with Yuko - we did all the kids coaching things, and been on a couple of outings, including the festival at the shrine.

  19. I haven't even found the Devil social link yet !?!?


    I've maxed out the Magician one and have a couple around 7 and more around 4-5.


    Did a lot more tower exploration too - returning to switch out party members so I didn't chew up Items to restore SP - so made it as far as Floor 115, before I retreated to rest up (when nearly everyone was down to <20 SP).


    Also did a fair but of Fusion - as my Team are all around Lv 40, but some of the persona I was still using were 25-30, so merged a few to make much higher level ones.


    Then went to Summer School followed by a weird nighttime encounter.....

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