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I've almost put five hours into this weird and wonderful indie game, so it's about time I made a thread. LISA was kickstarted way back in December 2013, and released on Steam in December 2014. I've just seen that there is a conclusion DLC to the story called LISA The Joyful which was released in August 2015.







LISA is a very dark game, full of blood, corpses and depravity. Essentially, you are travelling through a post-apocalyptic wasteland in search of your daughter. The game is a side-scrolling 2D rpg, with some light platforming elements. The game has a Mario type colour palette and presentation, although the similarities end there! Progress is mostly linear but there are  times where there is more than one area that you can explore at once, it's definitely a game that rewards exploration. And it would appear to be a very big game. It costs €10 at full price, I paid €3 and like I said I've already played for five hours and I suspect the full length is at least three times that.


The strength of the game is that it's just so interesting and engaging. Exploration, combat, everything is snappy and smooth so you are always moving forward and there's always something interesting around the corner. Combat follows the Dragon Quest/Mother style of you pick your party members' moves first and then watch the turn play out. There are a lot of characters in the game world that you can recruit to join your party. The graphical style may be simple but it looks lovely, and yet again it's another indie game with a wonderful soundtrack.

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I ended up playing this game for 11 hours...around a month ago, but amazingly I don't think I turned on my PC once in the month of November. I enjoyed what I played but it was starting to drag on. Today I went back to it but there was more tedious stuff so I said enough is enough, I've had my fill of LISA. There's just not enough to the game to compel me to play for any longer than I did.

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