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I got sent this to review last week. It's kind of in the same vein as Limbo, both in terms of looks, which are silhouetted, and that it's a puzzle platformer of sorts

Feist uses physics for a lot of its puzzles, you might have to get a log swinging to stand on it to reach a jump, or get a boulder moving at speed. Love these bits of the game, a little finicky sometimes, but engaging enough

What's different to Limbo is that there's combat, quite a lot of it. You can kill enemies by throwing enough things at them, it's easy to miss, doesn't look like it's doing a lot, but it will kill them, or by grabbing a fly from out of the air and using its stinger to fire needles out.

The problem with Feist, and why it makes the combat an issue, is the weight and inertia of your character. It's fine on its own, you get a lot of control in the air, it gives the world a bit of grounding. However you'll often take a hit and be knocked in to another enemy, which will then get a hit on you, I've been thinking about it for a few days and I think it's that you get knocked too far when you do get hit, you're out of control for too long

Enemies that fire projectiles are sniper accurate, lead their target (you) and won't stop firing at you even when you'd think you were miles out of reach. It makes it a frustrating game, particularly when you're also tasked with platforming or puzzle solving at the same time

It means I don't know quite what I think of Feist, early on I loved it, then I hated the frustration of it. Going in, had I known what the game was, I think I might have been better prepared for that

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