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Disney Epic Mickey


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I've had a few sessions on it, I'm mostly a bit indifferent to it all.

A platformer with some aspirations to make you a bit more invested in the game by making choices you make relevent to the game. There are choices that effect parts of the game later on but since it's such a simple story it's hard to care, do you erase or mend the problems? It does a pretty bad job of making me give a fuck which way I do it.

The areas are bland, the art direction is a bit like Psychonauts but it just lacks that je nais se quoi. The areas have no rhyme or reason so you don't get a sense of world, just a number of dark and pretty boring levels to go through. It plays a pretty bad platformer, too. None of the accuracy found in Mario Galaxy. They are a few too many bits where quite demanding jumps have to be done and you can never quite tell whether you can make it.

The only thing keeping me playing is some morbid curiosity to see how I've been playing effects anything. Probably should have gone for Donkey Kong.

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