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Final Fantasy Dissidia


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Don't buy it unless you really like Final Fantasy. It's not a great fighter so it's not worth getting if that's what you were looking for, but for an FF nut it's good fun. Pure fanservice.

To be honest there's not much else to say about it, it's very pretty and flashy but it's over complicated. Fans will love it, everyone else will just go "meh"

The way you advance through the story section on the chess board thing is pretty pointless, so far I haven't encountered any need for a strategy, I'm just going in a straight line each time.

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What is the actual story of this?

Just Squall vs Cloud?

Cosmos this good goddess is fighting Chaos the bad god and she's not doing so hot so she calls upon lots of good guys from various FF dimensions to fight against the badguys that Chaos called upon. You pick a side and fight. First time through you have to be good though and you can only play as the warrior of light.

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I tried the demo and I have to disagree with the idea it takes no skill, granted, early fights were easily won by button mashing but later on you really need to be careful about your combos and use your evasive moves or you will get seven shades knocked out of you.

Its not much of a beat'em'up too, its like some DMC type thing but with a less fluid JRPG type combat system. I like it but I rarely play my handhelds so it isn't worth picking up, I probably will though when I see it for about a tenner.

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A friend let me have a go on his PSP and noticed he had the demo of this, i had no idea it wasnt turn based! The way the camera was angled, reminded me of how DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi played. It seems a cool game with so many characters and moves i recognise, probably game i wud pick up if i had a PSP

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