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Posts posted by Centy

  1. I think you need to tap Z just as your landing to soften it and make sure you're coming in at an angle where the back of the board hits just before the front. You'll get the hang of it eventually but the trick system is quite different to Avalanche in that they are far harder to pull off but much more rewarding when you can do 1080s. Landing is always about doing it almost dead straight there isnt the same wobble meter thing for crap landings like the cube has.

  2. NICE!

    I probably will rebuy it but more than likely I'll flog my japanese copy first no sense in having 2 versions. I think that if they truely have reworked alot of stuff and added more characters it will be much closer to it's amazing big brothers on GC.

    Needless to say I will be testing it before I buy so i'll let you know what I think when it comes out.

  3. what the fuck.

    Yeah I forgot this thread entirely this month probably due to nothing decent being released so perhaps a compromise and say Metroid 3 that was just denied it last month should get it because it was up against some impossible competition.

  4. Saw this a while ago and have to agree with you guys the end was a bit of an anti-climax and it definently needed as ben said more depth to the level of his mental situation would have been great I think they did well taking alot of direction from Tom Hanks in Cast away.

    It just seemed the latter half of the film felt rushed suddenly there's new people then the shit hits the fan.

    The scene in the warehouse place with the Silent Hill esque infected standing around in the dark the air of fear around there was quite intense.

  5. I didn't like it they have strayed away from the clean easy to play style they had in American Skateland it just felt forced to me and the visuals are trying to be too nice and end up looking a bit crap.

    Though the trick system is spot on if they made an American Skateland 2 with this engine the better multiplayer and such then that would be awesome.

    Ill hit it on the head when you have to do all the stuff over again it just feels like a chore with little or nothing compelling you to do better save for the superior multiplayer.

  6. Part Time Gamer wrote:

    Its all part of being blissfully ignorant of the PC world of gaming.

    I guess but hell it will give PS3 owners something to smile about as Unreal Tournament supports user maps and mods and other games to follow suit because the PS3's online system is alot better in terms of open ended developement. I just said something positive about the PS3 wow :D it must be xmas ;)

  7. Still thats hardly fair that they are effectively forcing you to pay for what any other game gives you for free or is that a Live thing generally Pc games give out new official maps in patches but then we do have the mod community making customs but doesnt that mean you're getting shafted twice by being denied both.

  8. spatular wrote:

    3 new maps out yesterday at the really high price of 800 points (or free sometime next year)

    Wait a sec hold up. You have to buy maps? :huh:

    Jesus do you have to buy stability patches aswell? :blink:

  9. I think this was enevitable, it was always the plan really and the site could have changed many times before but the balance of multiformat supporters seems to have shifted to the pro column.

    I think though, as much as I'm not happy about the change, now is the time to do it a new fresh place to talk bollocks over multiple formats :).

    As for names how about happysmileytown.co.uk

  10. I do enjoy the fact that this is a mostly nintendo based site and that the 360 is probably the only other format that will be discussed.

    I think this could cause a bit of a split with those who don't have a 360 feeling even more left out than they are now. I mean DS chatter has really dived over the last few months. I don't have a Wii or a 360 and I won't get any good PC discussion going on since there's about 3 PC gamers here.

    So yeah I'm not against a multiformat site I just think I'll have much less to contribute because whatever way you look at it the 360 will be the dominant topic and it doesn't interest me in the slightest.

  11. Well I just about 10 minutes ago completed a game a very fucking hard game and I could only manage on easy.

    CONTRA 4 is done!

    I have never played such a 'kick you in the balls repeatedly' hard game in my life and it's fucking done on easy and now it's going to collect dust because I don't have the skill or pateince to try it on a harder mode. This game makes Call of Duty 2 on veteran seem like you have GOD mode :S makes Ouendan on cheerleader seem like Hannah Montana... well you get the idea.

  12. illdog wrote:

    Check my Gamercard biatch, im the muthafuckin don homeboy. It was FUCKING hard. FUCKING hard.

    Was it the hillside bit that killed you most I gave up Veteran mode right there it was just getting ridiculous and due to my temper my F3 key no longer works :(

  13. I played Ratchet and Clank and it's very cool camera can be a pain sometimes but I was very much underwhelmed by the rest of the PS3 games Ive played Motostorm was so-so and that Resistance Fall of Man is shite.

  14. Seriosuly a limited number of them thats fucking stupid what's the point by the time the average person knows the site is even up they will all be gone. I thought they were like wallpapers and stuff that costs them nothing to give out. I hate them soo much I had to use my points on rubbish just incase it took them another year to add something worth getting again.

  15. The Wii will have those jaggys as they cant be smoothed out by the Wii's hardware as to do 4x Anti-Alising would probably give you 1 frame per second ;) this is why it's less noticable with a 360.

    TopgunKnacker that telly is sweet its the same one my mate has just 2" smaller and it's a beast but has really good picture even at a sharp angle

  16. It's because Sam beat Phooey to it he may never recover. Anyway mine are.


    Call of Duty 4 multi [PC]

    Panzer Tactics DS

    Orcs & Elves DS

    Contra 4 [DS]

    Enemy Teritory: QuakeWars [PC]


    Warhammer 40k: Squad Command [DS]

    ummm nothing else out this month I think


    Soldier of Fortune Payback

    Gamespot ;)

  17. Yeah but I like it for some odd reason it's a no brainer game I can play when more taxing games have worn me out. I've been trying to find a US copy for a while on eBay I keep getting out bid and the only other site carrying it is VG+ for about £19 and it's not worth that.

  18. Well it has been a packed year hasn't it mine looks like this then

    The best:

    -Getting well and truly fixed up on Puzzle Quest copy pasta from Hendo

    -Potal in all it's glory 2 of the best hours of my life

    -The 4 months I poured into Etrian Odyssey and the sheer level of satisfaction at finishing it.

    -Worms 2 on DS having excellent multi and of course speaking with the developement team

    -Ouendan 2 being better than the original

    -The R4 I'm not sorry either best investment ever meant I haven't bought 1 single shit game on DS since

    -Quake Wars living up to and even surpassing my expectations 3 years of waiting and they were bloody worth it

    -Call of Duty 4 multiplayer fucking amazing

    -Saving the forest in Ecoris and then learning it's going to be localised for the US Squirrels FTW!

    -Etrian Odyssey 2 in the works FUCK YEAH!

    The worst:

    -The Ocean King Temple. It's soured the rest of the game for me.... yep

    -Still having no excuse to buy a Wii not a single triple A (in my opinion) game on there

    -Crysis being a lagging over hyped disaster of a game

    -Halo 3 hype seriously just shut the fuck up and play it already

    -Bioshock being no where near as good as System Shock due to the dumbing down

    -My DS hinge breaking and lacking the spare cash or time to post it off to Ninty

    -Ds-Wiifi going a bit grey and green ;)

    -Portal havinbg an ending :(

    -Mario and Zelda hype *sigh*

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