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Posts posted by Maf

  1. Ah, thanks. I’ll use that for sure


    my stealth level is almost there, but aggressive and opportune is only about 50%

    I think I’ll use that guide and level them up in reverse order (opportune, aggression, stealth). Stealth will be easier later because I can just blind people and run by now I know being seen doesn’t mean anything 

  2. Yes, thanks. I read about it earlier. Have to kill different percentage of people per combat encounter. 


    Should be really easy now I know being spotted doesn't matter. 

  3. I've never read a Transformers comic but DWJ (Beta Ray Bill, Wonder Woman Dead Earth) is writing and drawing a new series and when it's collected I'll think I'll get it. It just looks so cool 











  4. Finished the game last night/this morning. Just rounded up some of the achievements I missed. Some collectibles and a couple of chapter specific things. Just have these left which is going to require to play through NG+


    Hopefully won't take an entire playthrough, and I'll skip the cutscenes which should save a lot of time. The one that's going to be most annoying is the secret chests because those aren't marked on chapter select. So I'll have to have a guide open as I go to make sure I get them. Annoyingly they're mostly 'hidden' in stealth encounters.




    No spoilers but in terms of the way the story went, it had an effective ending but it still came across as very juvenile and basic to me. The ending was effective because of course it is. But it isn't helped by all the bad writing and lack of meaningful actions that come before it. 


    It sort of stinks of God of War Ragnarok in a sense where everyone is annoying and dumb and the worst outcome always happens because it has to for the plot. Except this game is sub Ragnarok because in this game the character's have no reason to try anything they do, and then effectively unrelated miserable shit happens to them anyway. 


    Like the biggest motivator in this game for the characters to go where they go is a dream. And yeah the dream ends up leading to something, but at every turn the resolution for that event should make the characters say "this isn't working" the sister then grapples on to the next fart and shouts "that direction, it has to be!" 


    I suppose you can write the story off as a theme of desperation which would fit with the rest of the game. Characters running around, doing nothing, achieving nothing and suffering for their troubles. But it's annoying after 12-15 hours and the repetition of makes the characters seem really stupid. 


    I also think some of the writing is just dribbly crap. Near the end of the game there are 3 characters that are like "If we stick together we can do this!", then literally immediately a cutscene happens where they all fall down and one of the characters says "Ow, my leg. I can't go any further. Sorry" 


    And there's lot of dumb, convenient, repetitive, functionless story in this game and trying to power through to the end last night was like being hit on the head by a hammer at every cutscene. 


    The ending is effective because of course it is. But getting there is a fucking trudge and a half 

  5. Thought X-Men '97 ep6 was the weakest so far, but still loved kinda loved it. 


    I think the failings were just crucial story details I didn't understand. Like how is Xavier in space and what exactly did the Adversary want? (Coincidentally enough, I've been reading more classic X-Books lately because of the show, and just this week I started one called Fall of the Mutants which starts with this exact story line about de-powered Storm, Forge and the Adversary, so maybe the comic will fill in the blanks)


    But being lost on these why's and what for's let the episode down a little

    However, I really loved how hard they went on



    X-Men lore, showing the Kree and Ronan, the Imperial Guard and being like yo, Gladiator is just purple Superman lol. And then that Prof X can beat anybody because he's so powerful. I loved Prof X's speech and schooling the Shiar as well. So cool.


    The fact they put Vulcan in the episode as well. I wonder if that was just a fun easter egg and not really relevant. Otherwise Prof X would have been like, err, how's it going, Gabe? Sorry about the Krakoa thing. 


    Storm regaining her powers was also awesome. Again lost on why, I guess she was pushed and overcame her self hate which was enough to get her powers back, but once she did, wow what a moment. Seeing that her powers can be seen from space like that was epic. Omega level mutant confirmed 


    I hope the end of this show ends with Storm, Magneto, Prof X and the Jean/Phoenix just unleashing hell on something. 


    Weakest ep so far, still really liked it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Maryokutai said:

    As for pre-rendered (or in this case, pre-built) backdrops, I'm regularly praying to the Espers that Fantasian will at some point be freed from the Apple Arcade prison.


    If people are looking for classic JRPG stuff then don't wait for Fantasaian. It's neat, but exceptionally 6/10. 


    Play Octopath 2, Chained Echoes or that Suidoken game that's coming out next week 

  7. I've reached chapter 12 and taking a break. Hopefully I can finish this tonight, but not sure how many chapters there are. 


    This is a weird one because I'm very much liking the game, but not sure what I'm really liking about it. 


    I've come to the conclusion I just don't like the stealth gameplay. Which is probably not the game's fault, I think I just don't like stealth games in general anymore. Ran out of patience. Thankfully it's not really the bulk of the game. In fact when thinking what is the main gameplay here it's hard because it's divvied up very evenly between stealth gameplay, puzzles, light exploration and and walky-talky story chapters. There's no primary dominant thing. 


    I'm also lightly intrigued by the story but kind of have the feeling it's going nowhere. They keep piling on more and more fiction, world building, deeper lore to the Macula and these twins but every resolution so far ends with rats destroying everything, the kid going "I ruin everything, Amicia! We're all going to die" to which he's sister always responds "No, Hugo! You will live and everything will be fine" to which I'm sitting here like 🤔 you sure about that? I know he's your brother but I think you should just kill him, because I don't think there's any way out 


    If the game ends with a grand finale that ties this whole adventure up neatly and gives purpose to any of these actions these characters take I'll happily eat these words, but as of chapter 12 it reeks of they have no idea on how to end this story, just digging deeper and deeper hoping something clicks. Or it could also be they're trying to fill a game's worth of story and simply don't have enough material


    Nothing these characters have done so far has proven worthwhile or really furthered the overall story or bought them closer to their goals. It feels like not a single step has been successfully made. Or even that they've learned anything valuable or which is helpful. They try something, they end up with no answer, then they just run blindly in to the next thing hoping this will provide an answer. I wonder if this is reflective of the game's writers processes. Because it really feels like they don't know what to do.


    But there's more game to go, so we'll see 


  8. Spoiler

    I have no idea who the green Falcon is supposed to be. Vulture? lol. Unlikely


    But if it ends up being an enemy and the MCU is going back to “hero fights evil version of themselves” then that’ll be really lame.

    I get after all the box office stumbles they’ll want to get back to ‘the formula’ but I really don’t think they need to go back to this specific trope 


  9. I started playing this again yesterday. Up to chapter 5 now. At the start I was really liking this game and having a much better time with it. But already I can feel the same frustrations I had before kicking in. I'm trying to play looser and trying not to care about having a 'ghost' playthrough. Which is less satisfying, but does make the game easier when you just run at things killing whoever and throwing bombs around. But I still think this game is a little on the hard side and I haven't even really started yet. I'm still dying a few times each section and having to restart checkpoint a lot when plans go tits up.


    It really comes down to the enemies just have really annoying patrol patterns. I guess on the one hand it's good design, but on the other hand I kinda wish they'd just fuck off.


    I'm trying to play looser and more relaxed, and it's working but hmm. I had a really good time playing the game yesterday, and a bit of less today. 


    I also kind of forgot how stunning this game is. I'm also playing with headphones this time and that's increased my enjoyment of it as well. Really helps with the atmosphere. 

  10. 2 hours ago, HandsomeDead said:

    Speaking of which, I think there is a chance that if Oppenheimer was released in 2001 it could have had a accompanying PS2 game.

    It wasn’t quite 2001 but a few years later there was a game called Metal Gear Solid 3 which is essentially the same is my understanding 



    A PS1 looking survival horror game but more 3D movement and stuff. Could be some super throw away bargain bin thing. But it looks kind of neat. I saw it scrolling Twitter

  12. I’ve never bought an early access game before but I’m tempted with this. Apparently all there is is the first chapter, but presumably when the full game releases I won’t have to pay any extra?


    Anyway this game looks sick



  13. Think a tonne of stuff looks really cool there. Although easily the coolest is that Europa game. That looks amazing. But I’d play it on anything other than a Switch. It looks too big and demanding for this system 

  14. I don’t know why I like it so much, I just do. Like said before I’m not even a super fan of the original. I watched it and liked it, but not as much as this new one. 

    I just think everything about it is on point. I did think the art was ugly at the start, but I’ve just got used to it and the action scenes are actually amazing. 

    Everything about ep5 was just popping and this shot 





    That’s the best superhero moment I’ve seen in a long time. I was so excited 


  15. I think Cyclops VA is excellent. That character is very straight and serious so the fact he’s played quite plainly fits for me.


    Some of these episodes do feel like they’re on 2x speed, and they are burning through really big material in no particular order or carefulness. But it’s not really a problem for me because I feel like they making a great show, so can’t knock them for their choices. 

    I like what you said about the show is newcomer friendly but also is ready to dive straight in to the characters and stories with no fucking about. I really like that


    The thing I posted above, that’s why I said it’s an Easter egg. It has no bearing on the plot or story and the show spend all of 1 second on it, but adds to the significance if you know Marvel and stuff. Which is the right way to do things like that. 

    I absolutely love the show. I don’t really know where they’re going with it because of how they’re packing storylines in to this series so fast. But it’s really working for me, I love it


    The bit in ep5 when Rouge and Gambit come flying in to save the day and the main theme kicks in behind them. Whoa. The chills I got. Magnificent.


    I love X-Men ‘97 

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