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Everything posted by Nag

  1. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    Considering I spent around 2 months playing Resident Evil 2 on two different platforms it's safe to say that went down pretty well with me, Gears 5 will make the second half of the year worthwhile unless something goes catastrophically wrong. So far it's not been a corker of a year but there's been enough to keep me occupied.
  2. Nag

    What's your....

    Bumpity bump! Not strictly gaming related but fuck it, it's my thread and I'll do as I please. What's your favourite decade of music?... If you could only listen to one decade of music until the day you die what would it be? If was thinking about this while listening to the radio earlier and I thing it's a lot easier than it should be, my musical tastes really haven't progressed much since the 90's so I'll plump with that... There's a lot of good stuff to keep me going there.
  3. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I'd say there's no chance of MS dropping both Forza titles in the same year, I'd expect Forza 8 for a launch title, car games (especially fixed track racers) are good graphical showcases. MS are more of a known quantity (we know Halo is a launch title and knowing I'll be playing that without having to buy the game kind of blows my mind) but they have a fair few things that are unknown on the boil right now. It's harder to call how Sony will launch, I'd love a new Horizon... that would certainly make holding off of their new console a lot more difficult.
  4. Nag

    Dante's retro thread

    I love going through Resi 2 and 3 on the Vita, it's pretty much the only reason I'll turn the thing on anymore. 3 holds up really well I think.
  5. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I'm not saying they shouldn't shit on a game, if a game deserves it that's fine... I'm not sure how widespread it is for performance based bonuses but those should be based on sales (if anything) not some score averaging website. I think too much stock is given to sites like MC and Rotten Tomatoes.
  6. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I think it's pretty disgusting that something like Metacritic can have an effect on things like developers bonuses and salaries... the whole idea that a few no name sites can drop review percentages and have those type of negative powers is pretty bad. I'm the same as most answers so far, if it's a game I know I'll get some fun out of I've generally made my decision way before the game reviews drop... Although I been stung more than once this year.
  7. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    Normal service hasn't resumed this week as it's still on the subject of E3, I think we've covered that more than enough... And just to put the cat among the pigeons, I honestly believe that Nintendo automatically qualify for a 10 percent increase on the virtue of them being Nintendo.?
  8. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I haven't even watched the Watchdogs trailer, I'm making a point of staying away from Ubi games for a while.
  9. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    Normal service should hopefully resume next week... As for @radiofloyd question (nice one by the way) it's probably a Final Fantasy clean sweep, liking the look of VII but I think the fact I'm gonna be able to buy Final Fantasy VIII on a current gen machine (the wrong one too, just to wind people up?) trumps even that.
  10. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I was actually trying to think what mine would be and always forget that game, yeah... in the end I quite fell for its charms, it's not a genre I'm claiming I want to try to get in to though.
  11. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    I'm gonna pick on @Sly Reflex too, I was really surprised that he enjoyed Dragon's Dogma as much as he did. Yeah there was some criticism but what there was was fair i think.?
  12. Nag

    The Hot Topic Returns

    What question are you answering @OCH?
  13. As expected this weekend's (and probably next) will be all about E3, we'll all be talking about that regardless so if anyone wants to chip in with a question or anything feel free... if someone does please allow time for folk to answer before posting another. And mods... if you feel like this thread could be restarted and archived, go for it.?
  14. Nag

    Days Gone

    It'll be awhile before I attempt any of that (if I attempt it at all)... to be honest I find the updates to narrative driven games a bit irritating after I've gone to the trouble of getting the Platinum... woe is me, eh.
  15. Nag

    Days Gone

    See by that point I could virtually run through those early area hordes with just guns... No planning, no hiding just mow them down with firepower, it was empowering. Same with camps in the end, I just went full on Rambo. Like you say the game was divisive.
  16. Nag

    Days Gone

    I listened to the podcast last night @DANGERMAN.... I feel you were overly harsh on the game.? Did you honestly not feel yourself getting stronger and more able to deal with things by end game? Obviously I'm not knocking how you felt.
  17. Nag

    Days Gone

    I honestly thought the autosaves were better than that...
  18. Nag

    Dead Island 2

    It's happening, in a roundabouts way.
  19. Nag

    Days Gone

    He radio's in when you're mucking about... It's just a little twist is all.
  20. Nag

    Days Gone

    836 Days Gone... @DANGERMAN... I'm guessing you didn't do the little epilogue missions after the story wrapped up? Did you see O'Brien's fate?
  21. Nag

    Days Gone

    I have to admit @DANGERMAN that I'm pretty amazed you saw it through too... before you started playing I wouldn't of put it down as your type of thing. I think the sense of progression is really good in this, early game fire fights are totally lopsided against you (in fact I hated the shooting to begin with) with the starting gun struggling to hit a bus at ten paces... Come end game I can quite easily take out those early game hordes with an automatic rifle no problems. I dunno, this just clicked with me... It was a nice, steady game to spend time with.
  22. Nag

    Days Gone

    Yup, finished it earlier... Really enjoyed the whole thing to be honest and to think I almost passed up on it completely. It was one of those rare games that didn't really piss me off at any time, everything it does it does very well (in my opinion) the only think that irked me somewhat is in one of the late cutscenes Deacon swims across a lake whereas in game if he strays three feet in to deep water he drowns... Anyway, this seems like a very doable Platinum so I'll be tidying up and going for that too.
  23. Nag

    Days Gone

    If you're trying to get fertilizer, yeah, I'm pretty certain it's mandatory... and it's a big one.
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