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Posts posted by Centy

  1. I reckon it will be a great game as Noize said its nothing really new but what it does it does with great style and a terrific story. Because to be fair as a standalone shooter its not very good the controls are optimised far too much towards the 360 and as a shooter its relatively poor but the story and frankly the fucked up shit going on is going to make it a great game.

  2. hinn888 wrote:

    Oh i liked that bit :) am i disturbed? :S

    Not really i liked it because it was creepy and hope to see more fucked up shit like that later in the game only 2 days to go.

  3. Nice one Noize I can recommend Dead Rising as its a real homage to Romero and a great game to boot. I cant so easily recommend Crackdown the lack of camera tracking annoyed me emmensely sansmouse even though the developers work about a mile from my house i might go ask them why ;)

    The new NHL game is also excellent not the EA one though if you are your typical Canadian that will be your cup of tea, I also am one of only a few peopel to have enjoyed Perfect Dark aswell though id say its only good if you lurve your shooters.

  4. hinn888 wrote:

    i say tht the demos good, but its too repetitive n nicks tht slow motion bit following the bullet of max payne, i dnt think the whole game wud be so great

    o ya complete the demo 3 times running n unlock all the moves etc.

    Yeah Max Payne wasn't big on the consoles (ingrates) so this is all lovely and new to them Hinn. But I loved the flick this is based on, before John Woo climbed into his own ass and arrived in hollywood, so to play Hard Boiled the game will be awesome still waiting on the PC version though Mouse is WIN!

  5. I reckon so Ed its kind of like Metroid Prime its from a 1st person point of view but its not really a Shooter its more like the Eldar Scrolls with Guns.

    This should tide me over till Jericho and Fallout 3 arrive next year.

    which reminds me

    FALLOUT 3!!1!!!!1!111!! *DIES*B);) :ohmy: :lol::blink: :woohoo: :lol: :whistle: :side: :cheer: :S :dry: :pinch: :kiss: :S

    Playing through the demo I can imagine later on how amazing this game will get. I found it quite chilling when i sat and listened to the little girl collecting adam, from the rafters you can hear her sing nursery ryhmes and talk to herself its major creepy as is the lighting the game is simply sublime as Hendo says Metacritic does not lie.

    I can't imagine it reaching FEAR type of actual dread and freakyness but its more of a WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT IN THE SHADOWS kind of scary all good though and only 2 days till its out hurrah.

  6. Anyone who wants a 360! GET ONE!

    I have just finished playing the Bioshock demo on PC and can definently say its fucking worth the entrance fee of this console this game is instant single player game of the year.

  7. I was initially because I wasnt enjoying it that much but now I am really enjoying it yes granted there are some much better TRPG games out there but none on the DS. As I said to Chris on the DSR forums I think i've been able to see past the games flaws and enjoy whats there and to sort of compare it I wanted a TRPG on the DS for soooo long and Hoshigami came along first and i panned that.

    All I know is im enjoying the game more now than the first say 10 hours and if it keeps up i'll be a happy bunny.

  8. Right well as most people will know I've been looking forward to this title since before the Japanese release and have been following it closely and was delighted when Atlus picked it up for a Us release knowing its Atlus and the game looked good i didnt see how i could have been dissappointed.

    And well I wasn't! The game isn't quite on a Par with the Fire Emblems or Final Fantasy Tactics but after playing about 3 hours and working out how to change the controls to my personal preference im loving the game. The overall presentation is absoultely superb the musical score in particular is highly impressive for a DS title and the voice acting is actually very good for the most part it gives some characters a much bigger personality than reading the text would and several times I've laughed out loud at them.

    Graphically the game isnt upto much GBA standards throughout but it adds to the overall charm of the game and the simple visuals compared to Hoshigami don't effect any sense of storytelling infact they give it a much more unique feel. Leading on to the story its all pretty basic stuff so far nothing compelling but its moving along at a fine pace.

    What I will add is if you are a newbie to this genre of games this has a fairly simple system and shouldn't tax you too much all adding into what Hoshigami failed to be, a genuinely fun and highly playable game.

    So I have unlocked WFC play which i can imagine would be great fun over a VoIP service the random battles seem to be filled with long waits and "disconnecting because they are loosing" players but obviously friend battles are where its at.

    Single player wise the lack of depth is beginning to become more apparent and the story far too predicable though i am feeling its moving along at a pace that isn't emphasising the storys flaws quite yet and has been a good mechanism of explaining a new part of the game. At 6hrs in (I've replayed a few battles for the exp) I now have a choice of 10 characters to deploy into a battle, the limit so far seems to be 8 units per battle.

    It's odd as right now I know that I'm enjoying playing the game but unsure if I like it, perhaps I'm being just being odd but the game isnt giving me the warm fuzzy feeling that even lower end TRPGs such as Onimusha Tactics give me, never mind the level of Fire Emblem or FFTA. I do hope that will change as the game is fun to play just has a very empty feeling but again i'm not having to force myself to play it so we shall see how I feel over the next few hours of gameplay.

    After the pain in the arse that was chapter 14 im now tearing on the story is becoming a bit more bearable as there are more random encounters inbetween each lot of talking. I now officially have 2 favourite characters who are just beyond awesome Leon who is a cocky ladies man and is an excellent fighter at this point he's acting like a tank just destroying enemy lines and leaving the easy kill for the weaker units to get more exp, and of course the lovely Mel she's the Torrent Witch (she downloads pirate movies :P) she's the Water Witch and is both an excellent healer and water caster she's also brilliantly voiced and over all fun.

    The battles are getting a bit more fluid now and more challenging and i'm gaining more units all the time and will probably be taking this on into multiplayer a bit more now.

    I can highly recommend this game to anyone who wont be put off by the long winded chat bits and who wants a TRPG that isnt genre defining but is infact just a good game.

    Sorry if some of that doesnt make sense i pieced it together from posts on other boards and you should check out the DSR thread for me trying to defend this game.

  9. Well to be fair Hoshigami is a TRPG and turnbased and also shite Heroes is a RTS game sort of so it will play faster. Im waiting till ive got Luminous Arc out of the Way which i reckon is a game you should check out or wait for my review upon completion.

  10. Its legal more or less entirely if they ask just say you brought them over ;)

    Pick up Etrian Odyssey while your there don't listen to illdogs lies. Luminous Arc is worth picking up as my impressions thread will show when i write it.

  11. Ben wrote:

    Yeah, just get me or Centy on the subject of the Naruto cube games. There are some quality licensed games out there.

    Hell yeah those games are excellent and don't seem to be the quick moneymaker we see all to much of. Its odd though a lot of truely great games have come off the back of a license. I mean theres Goldeneye for a start and do the Tony Hawk games count?

    As Ben said the so called Hardcore seem to clam any game short of being perfect and those people must play about 1 possibly 2 games a year then.

    To prove the point how many people will be buying Hannah Montana when that comes out come on own up.

  12. Doom would be much higher up on my list but good show on Sega Rally Arcade being there i remember that at the arcade when they came to town near my where my folks live awesome game in 2 player.

    I'll know how good this list is when i see where Grim Fandango, RTCW and Oblivion place. If Gears of War is in the top 10 then i no longer have faith in the universe

  13. Yeah Bioshock does look nice though it has a wierd effect like Doom3 had. But this, Unreal engine 3 and id Tech 5 all look stunning for DX 9. Is Jerhico coming to 360 as that looks amazing aswell but good to hear the demo is playing nicely should be promosing PC Gamer gave it a nice healthy 95% last issue so i reckon its a GOTY contender.

  14. hinn888 wrote:

    the demo is quality! i tink bioshock has the best game graphics ever, especially the fire and the water

    Not seen Crysis then ;)

    Waiting on the PC version coming out before i play this (gamepads and 1st person= joke) apparently its going to be very modable so hoping for some excellent stuff to come out a couple of months after the game itself.

  15. Nah not really i sold off alot of my games last year to pay for DS games that were coming out thick and fast. Im just buying a few choice titles to keep me happy till something great comes out on Wii that I must have :D

    The first post in this thread is updated what i lack in quantity i make up for in quality or nicheness*

    *probably not a word

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