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Ninja Gaiden 4


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A Koei Tecmo IP published by Microsoft and being developed by Platinum Games while Team Ninja is overseeing the project. Lots of cooks involved here.


I'll admit I'm not a big NG fan, never really liked the momentum-heavy combat and frankly I just found the games too difficult to get enjoyment out of them. Maybe this'll change with Platinum at the helm, because there are shades of Metal Gear Rising in this, even if it gets turned up to 11. I don't think it looks mind-blowing or anything, and parcour in particular has that classic videogame problem of looking like a set of predefined animations playing one after another, but overall this is one I'll keep an eye on. Comes out in autumn, so not that far off either.

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It'll be the difficulty level which will be the reason if I give this a shot or not. I've only ever played the first game on the original Xbox and got virtually nowhere as I found it way too hard so it's not like I have connection to the series but I've not played a action game in this style for ages so I'm fairly interested. 

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I wonder what the die hards make of this. I think it looks cool but I must admit it doesn't make me think of the NG I played. I wonder are they way into it or reacting to it a bit like us DMC nutters did with DmC. 


In any case tho I'm glad for PG to have some sort of win cause we need more action developers. Also Bayonetta 3 is great and I won't relent in its praise, if it doesn't have any fans left it means I'm dead

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As a NG fan (NG1 + 2 are up there as all time faves (in fact I love the momentum based combat, and it's where NG3 drops the ball imo)) the new character does look like someone from a PG project.  Looks like there is parrying and maybe even witch time, but the brief footage of Hyabusa does look more like what I remember from the other games so I wonder how much you play as each character.


I'm well up for it, anyway.

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I was reading that the new NG2 is more based off Sigma than original. I've always wanted to beat the OG games, I've heard NG2 in particular is crazy with the enemy numbers, you have to kill everything super quickly. I wonder why they don't re-release those specifically, even if they're brutal and unfair it's what people keep asking for.


I know this is the NG4 thread but they announced NG2 right after it, so the two announcements seem connected

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It’s definitely easier on Notmal. I’m up to chapter 10 & died once. Doesn’t matter to me though as I’m having loads of fun, it’s still a challenge - make it through a lot of fights “only just” & it’s still satisfying as fuck.


Ive read that on higher difficulties it’s just as punishing if not more so than the original so just do that?

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It's not about difficulty as such, I'm interested in trying the OG one specifically cause it's higher enemy numbers with lower health versus lower enemy numbers with more health, which changes the way the game gets played. Allegedly. The way people talk up that original version sounds really interesting and exciting


I'm just a purist for the original vision, it's not like how in DMC3 where they just added a different difficulty in other regions, it has a different game design cause of how many more enemies are in the original


Anyway it's not a big deal cause I reckon it might work on an emulator. Or it might motivate me to buy an xbox at some point, to play these original versions


edit based on this RPS article, this new version is somewhere in between Sigma and OG 2




  • Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has gotten a complete graphical overhaul, and runs faster on modern PCs. Thanks to Unreal Engine 5, you can expect better lighting effects and more impressive character models.
  • Black ups the number of enemies to a level beyond that of Sigma 2. Enemy amount and placement isn't quite up to the frenetic amount of the original Xbox 360 game, however.
  • The dismemberment and gore that was absent from Sigma 2 is back. You can also toggle it off in the menu if you prefer.
  • Some extra bosses included in Sigma 2 have been kept, but others have been removed - for instance the Great Buddha and Statue of Liberty bosses.
  • Ninja Race mode is not included. This was a mode in Sigma 2 that saw players moving across maps under a time limit.
  • Sigma 2's additional characters of Ayane, Momoji, and Rachel are all in the game. They have fewer collectible outfits, however.


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The fact the new one is easier makes me more likely to play it. I thought it sounded cool but I was thinking about the 360 version and was like I don’t want to do that right now


Haven’t seen any breakdown what the PC version is like? When I read UE5 I thought it might be a PC version to avoid but maybe it dodges the usual UE5/PC issues if it’s just a render and not built in UE5? 

I guess I’m also assuming that makes a difference which it could not 

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