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Nintendo Switch 2

one-armed dwarf

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It has a whiff of Wii U about it. I could very easily see casuals looking at it and not understanding that it’s different.


Not as bad as the Wii U. Because even me, fully tuned in to Nintendo stuff looked at it and was like “Is it an add-on for the Wii?”


I don’t think this is that drastic, but I could very easily imagine people watching the trailer and not understanding what the point of this is 

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I still remember all those infamous 1-star amazon reviews of 3DS games because they didn't work on the DS. 


But Nintendo still has ways to make it clear beyond the marketing, like hardware/software packaging, using different colours than the Switch Red etc. Doubt it'll be another WiiU fiasko but I also don't think showing a Switch 1 morph into Switch 2 (no matter how much I enjoyed the visuals) was a particularly good idea.

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In terms of marketing one thing I thought about is will they give up the Switch “click” sound like they used in their adverts and directs? I think that was very clever as it’s simple, it’s “catchy” in that I can just say it and we know what it is, and when seen even once in context it helps sell the whole Switch gimmick. 

They don’t necessarily have to get rid of it, but I think it was a pretty key bit of marketing and if I wonder if they stick with it or try something new as this is the new Switch 

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It's a kind of "slurp" sound now as the Joy Cons are sucked on to the Switch. 


That's how they're going to introduce things. Executives talking to camera saying 'Metroid has been cancelled, please understand? But before we go we've got one more announcement "sluuuuurp" 

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Did you watch the video 😂 It makes the slurp noise in the exact places it would have clicked before. It’s obvious that’s the new gimmick effect they’re using. 

Honestly. I’m a fan. I like it. Won’t be able to make that noise with their fingers like before without assistance though… 

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I wonder if we're going to see the first Switch 2 game announcements at Microsoft's show next week. These companies obviously talk to each other and IIRC Doom did rather well on Switch, and Obsidian was a frequent sight on that system as well with Outer Worlds and Pentiment. 

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10 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Well it's called the Switch 2, I think that's as clear as they can be there. I do think it's a hard sell, but normies will buy the iPhone 15 so the barrier isn't lack of knowledge it's whether it matters


I think that'd be fine if they hadn't released a NS 1.1 (battery improved etc) NS 1.5 (NS Lite) and NS 1.75 (OLED) - I know Nintendo routinely go down this route of iterative improvements to their consoles - but NS 2 doesn't sound enough like an Upgrade (to new capabilities) it's more like the latest Update (improving what's already there) - so I think it would have been clearer had they used a different name and branding.

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I think there's too much fretting over the name.  It's a numeric progression which worked for PlayStation pretty well all this time and it looking kinda similar doesn't stop people getting confused about a phone upgrade.


When it came to the Wii U I don't think it was just the name and look that confused people, there was more going on than that.  I think a bigger part that isn't brought up as much is a lot of Wii adopters had moved on completely and weren't interested in an upgrade.  They just didn't want it, not that they would have bought it if there was more clarity.  I don't believe this will be the case with a new Switch, and it has informally been called a Switch 2 for all the years it's theoretically been discussed.


Like I said, this soft announcement is because of February's investor meeting and they don't want to start the marketing machine in January.  The big push in April through the summer with in person events where people get their hands on it plus all the digital events during that time you're not gonna hear about anything else.


I'm sure it won't hit like the Switch, unless they have another BotW in that I don't mean a Zelda but a really attention grabbing game.  Mario Kart, while very popular, is too iterative to really be that game and maybe a new 3D Mario could be but it'd have to have a stronger hook than usual.  Maybe if they have an Animal Crossing ready too they can hit the different Nintendo sub-fandoms at once, I suppose that could work.

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1 hour ago, HandsomeDead said:

I think there's too much fretting over the name.  It's a numeric progression which worked for PlayStation pretty well all this time and it looking kinda similar doesn't stop people getting confused about a phone upgrade.


TBF they didn't give us too much else to talk about aside from; the Name; Joycons; and MK9...... 🤣

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Citing this here in case someone else wants to comment without derailing the AC topic.


1 hour ago, Metroid66 said:

Not that I've been following the switch 2's pre launch activities, but wouldn't performance increases be a given? Or do you assume they're just going to go the rip-off remaster route?


I'd say it's far from a given and more of a low likelihood, just by looking at how they have handled backwards compatibility in the past. Looking at how their N64 games run on Switch, I doubt they have the engineering knowledge to pull off software emulation, which would be necessary for performance increases if I'm not mistaken.


I expect it to just be a 1:1 deal like it was on Wii, WiiU, DS and 3DS. 

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I wouldn't expect 30 to become 60 or whatever, but I could see things where it just hit the power wall to run better. I know what people are saying, but I do think this is probably just a more powerful Switch, so it won't necessarily be a Switch Mode as such 


I could very much be wrong to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt though, as others have said, they have form 


Edit: my reasoning is that those people that overclocked their Switch got better performance, so it could be a lot of games just run better be default 

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If it's a game like Bayonetta 3 which runs unlocked up to 60fps and has dynamic resolution then the Switch 2 would hopefully provide a big jump cause it will dynamically scale into something much more high quality


For something locked to like 720p 30 like TOTK I imagine it will just be a bit more stable. Which I'm fine with honestly as I think that game runs totally fine already

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It's hard to predict with Nintendo.  I guess since I doubt it'll be emulating the Switch so I think it'll natively running the games so having access to the extra power should boost performance for any unlocked games and they're putting all this AI upscaling in there, I'm leaning to there being some improvements.  Probably not what Xbox games get but something.


Or they do something out of left field that's totally unnecessarily worse.  Could go either way.

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With what people are saying here I'm not sure I see the point of this console.


Although, tbf, I can't even imagine what Nintendo could come up with, games wise, that would make me want to buy it, so I'm not one to judge the thing. It's definitely got more than a whiff of wiiU 2 feel about it.

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