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Nintendo Switch 2

one-armed dwarf

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Err, I think this trailer is a misstep. I can imagine a lot of people looking at this and thinking what is different and why do I want it. 

This reveal should have been spearheaded with games. That’s what people love Nintendo for. They should have all this in the trailer, in between games that show why it’s exciting. I don’t think magnetic controllers are going to make people pick up the same console with a 2 on it. 

Instead they showed off it’s bigger and magnetic controllers and a bit of Mario Kart 9.


Hopefully they have a more exciting thing to show soon 

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I read somewhere that the controllers work like a mouse, Nintendo Switch to be the premier console platform for FPS!??


Doom Eternal better be one of those BC titles 👀


edit reading some more this seems confirmed, in that you can actually see a mouse sensor under the controller in the video


Really curious what games use it and how, and especially cause there are two mice so it can be used for a lot more than just precise camera control. It's definitely the coolest looking feature of this IMO. Sounds like it will be hard to design for tho cause you have to account for regular controls too, can't mandate it

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While I did find the transformation sequence surprisingly satisfying to watch, I agree with maf that this is not a good trailer, mostly because both the hardware and the name are very same-y and not particularly exciting. And if that really is MK9, well, that's not quite the step forward I imagined the series to take after ten years. Enthusiasts will be all over this, but they need to step up the marketing if they want the more casual crowd to get on board and not leave them in the dust thinking it's just a revision (edit: in fairness this is the very first showing and marketing barely has begun, but it's just not a very 'I want to pre-order this NOW!' kind of teaser I think).


The little asterisk about backwards compatibility is probably just a formality because stuff like LABO won't be compatible. I do expect all 'normal' games to work.

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It's 2nd of April.  You must have seen images of the American date.


I think this teaser is just to prove to investors something concrete is coming.  From April through to summer we'll see lots of properly marketed stuff.  Dunno what that means for the actual release.  Maybe September?

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Wait, what?!
All this time and I missed it!


I also thought it was 4th Feb, urgh :D

Shame they only really shared what was basically already known, although at least they made it more official...


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It's a little odd as Switch 2 looks and sounds more like a progressive update to what they've already got - rather than a brand new generation of Nintendo console - particularly as @Maf says that they aren't showing you many new games.


Will there be any compatibility with existing peripherals or does the new console architecture mean not ? How long before those Joycon interface connection ports become unreliable...?


Well at least there's a release? date now.

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After a couple of hours have passed I have to say this was basically a big pile of nothing. They're mimicking the stye of the Switch reveal but unlike back then the entire premise of the system isn't new, it's just iteration. So logically everyone is more interested in the software and all we get is Mario Kart Barely-9.

The fact that its first 'true' showing is only in April suggests that the system won't launch before autumn unless they want to put it out in the middle of summer which I think nobody has done since the Saturn. I expect something has to have messed up the timeline in the background, there's really no reason for this large gap between now and then.


I really don't like the logo either. Not only has its lost its simple elegance, it's so basic and safe they didn't even adapt the iconography to the new Joycons. It's ultimately irrelevant, but it looks extremely low effort. 


Anyway, looking forward to seeing some games in 10 weeks.


Edit: in an effort not to be a negative Nancy, I do like the overall look, I like the smaller bezel around the screen and that little colour-coded ring beneath the Joysticks. 


Edit 2: starting tomorrow you guys can apply to get in for the hands-on thingy in London over here: https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Campaigns/Nintendo-Switch-2-Experience-London-2722997.html


Closest to me is Amsterdam which is still quite far so I'm skipping this one.

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I thought the bezel is quite big after seeing the OLED switch.

This trailer can only be for the hardcore desperate and to calm some of the rumour mill as to a casual I can easily see that looking like it’s just a refresh - as in it’s just a bigger Switch not a new console. 

Cant judge it obviously from such a Quick Look but MK doesn’t visually look any better than 8 at all. Probably something they’re waiting to show off in the April Direct though. 


Using the Joycons as mice is interesting, but they look incredibly uncomfortable in that position so I don’t know how they’d be in extended play. Speaking of comfort, looks just as terrible to use and hold as the OG ones. Split Pad Pro is going to be essential again. 

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Yeah the joycons would definitely require some sort of adapter for the mouse stuff. Speaking of I need to look for a new one, both of my G502s have developed a double clicking problem and the right click on one is loose, which is great for accidentally wasting a cooldown on Rivals.


But anyway I think iteration on Switch makes sense. I do think though that this is a hard sell for anyone who's already not really into games, it looks more like a phone upgrade

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I think if this trailer was half as long, and the in-depth, big reveal with games was next week, that would have been really smart. I think if this was effectively a teaser trailer to get everyone excited and make the whole week’s news about the Switch 2 this would be fine. But as it is, it’s like ok. I just don’t know who this serves. If anything it has a bit of disappointment because we have to wait 2-3 months to get a real look at it


It does make me wonder if they created this trailer in a way to get out in front of the leaks. But I expect this trailer had to go through 600 million rounds of approval so they probably been working on this for months

I’m perfectly happy with a bigger, better Switch but what it would look like was reasonably predictable (I didn’t think they’d make it so much bigger). But it’s what will they do with the games which is the exciting part. I’m perfectly happy with iteration, that’s what I want, but I want to see it running not just the look. It looks like what I expected it to look like


I think graphically MK9 doesn’t look any better than MK8 but you can definitely see in the character models they are changing the style a bit. But again, needs a better look. I would have been happier to see nothing about MK9 until the full reveal 

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4 hours ago, radiofloyd said:

For those too lazy to watch it, there’s a Switch 2 Direct on February 4th.

:lol: mate


Nice little teaser and a solid date to look forward to. Thx Nintendo. As for MK9 I just assumed it was 8 tbh it was so brief and if just woken up. 

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It makes me hope that the BotW running at 60fps demo at a Gamescom was just a tech demo and not a real product. Because if they launch the Switch 2 with BoTW again I think it will just compound the feeling of what do I need this for


As it has backwards compatibility it probably won’t be an actual game, but if it were I think that would look really bad 

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9 minutes ago, Maf said:

what do I need this for


You'd still buy it... and you know it.😉


Basically this reveal has done nothing to help my news feed or sanity.😭

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I'm with the people that don't really see the point of this reveal, for the reasons others have said. If it was right before the more detailed Direct then I'd get it, but this might as well have been a press release


It won't hurt them in the long run I'm sure, and a bigger, more powerful Switch is fine. The mouse controls is a nice idea, not sure how well it will work on a bed or whatever, but at least it's an interesting feature, one they probably should have fucking mentioned given they kind of showed it, but what do I know

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Got to be one of the worst console reveals ever. Not meaning how bad it was like the catastrophic Xbox One reveal. But in respect to building excitement and giving info surely. April is a big wait too if there’s nothing in-between as others have said. Needed to be much closer if this is all they’re showing. 

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