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Virtua Fighter


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As well as this, they're having a open beta of the new VF5 release with rollback. I'm too marvel-pilled right now to jump on that and get my ass beat, but I'm definitely looking forward to VF6.




Might go and download VF4 Evo on an emulator and do that arcade mode, I remember it being fun

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Doesn't look mindblowing visually, which I think is a good thing, because I wouldn't want this to break the bank, flop, and then get shelved again.


It's obviously some in-engine choreography, but it seems their focus in terms of presentation is on the animation work. The gritty stuff is a bit too 2010 for my tastes, but regardless, very interested in this.

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Those animations look cool though, dunno if it's realistic for a FG game to look so smooth and detailed in its animation interactions but it looks like a real fight that you'd see in a film.


Reminds me I got my Drunken Master blurays on the way ⏲️☺️

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It looks cool, but naming it “pre-development concept video”…means you could be looking at literally anything. It’s not even Alpha it’s a concept


If the final game looks/plays anything like this then great but this video has to be taken with a truckload of salt 

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A 1:1 with this video would feel really sluggish but I like the idea of blocking animations which are contextually appropriate to the thing being blocked, if such a thing is possible to implement in a way that respects frame data and isn't just pure visual gimmickry


There's some actual footage of the game out too which looks like this, and while it doesn't look as realistic it does look like character's blocking animations are matching the things they block




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The stuff from the concept video above is definitely unreasonably to expect in actual gameplay. Unless they come up with some fancy AI animation solution you'd have to animate every possible move interaction on block and the only benefit you get from it is that it looks fantastic, but not necessarily improve gameplay. But whatever direction they go with I'm for some reason confident they will pull it off, because there's a lot of energy behind this project it seems, and two very proficient inhouse studios involved.

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