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Game Freak Tera Leak


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Oh, this is all confirmed as real so think it’s worth starting it’s own thread




If you’re just joining us! Game Freak, Nintendo and the Pokemon Company have just had 25 years worth of data leaked online due to a phishing scam. This includes everything from video games, movies, TV, emails, prototypes, internal lore and unfortunately private employee information.






I don’t mean to spam tweets but this is where all the information is. This isn’t even all of it, this is a sliver. A piece. A taster of all the fucking crazy shit that’s coming out. Obviously I’m very interested in it, but will only try update the thread if I think there’s a big thing


But if you have interest in Pokemon then I’d recommend going on Twitter and having look. It’s fucking wild 

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People seem to be making a fuss about Typhlosion 'lore' (even though it has been scrapped, as is evident by the fact that it had to be leaked to become known) but fundamentally it's not so different from a lot of weird old folklore tales, and Pokémon has historically been heavily influenced by those. It's obvious they made the cut somewhere – old Pokédex entries about Gastly or Cubone are rather out there for example but it seems that was as far as they decided to go.

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