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Alien: Isolation 2


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Holy shit.


But this is also a really risky proposition because there's no way this will ever have the impact of the first one even if it somehow manages to be better in every possible way. One of the few positive side effects of the original not being a success was that there wasn't any publisher interference to force a sequel out the door. Though after all this time I presume this comes from a strong desire from the team to do something new with ideas still left on the drawing board, and in that case I'm intrigued. See you again in six years I guess.

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They're doing a livestream: https://www.twitch.tv/sega


Wonder what way they'll mix it up. Presumably they feel the space station '79 homage with an alien stalker doesn't require a second look. 


Maybe something of a survival horror where it's like Prometheus/Aliens, landing on a planet and trying to survive. But not in the Aliens: Colonial Marines sense, something much more fraught where violence can be a good or bad idea depending on context. There's a lot of possible directions with interesting decisions to make that don't turn it into an action game, like if you fire your gun and it draws more of them to you. I think it could be interesting. Maybe bring in that Prometheus primordial goo thing to give a narrative justification for more enemy diversity, but within a similarish archetype


Maybe people want another go at the '79 homage tho, I dunno. But I just wonder what advancements you could make with that and if the stalker thing isn't a bit played out with the RE games.

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15 minutes ago, one-armed dwarf said:

My idea is good, you could play as a villain spreading the black goo around until the Aliens aren't so isolated anymore (because there will be lots of them), like he did in that one scene in Alien Covenant

Eurogamer also put up an interview with the game director 




They made the game 10 years ago, so who knows what he thinks about a sequel today, but he’s keen interest seems to be the first film - and not a lot else



But the move away from the prevailing emphasis on action - a perhaps inevitable focus since James Cameron's 1986 sequel Aliens - was the thing that swung it. "We thought, let's re-establish this thing as being the ultimate killer, a creature confident and in control," continues Hope. "So, it went to Sega, through to 20th Century Fox, and suddenly someone is saying, 'OK - go ahead, make it happen'."

So presumably the sequel won’t be heavy on action and shooting. 

I also think the game was a product of its time and was AAA cribbing from the Amnesia games. As much as I think a sequel will probably be similar, games have moved on from that trend so they must be thinking of mixing it up somehow

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