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Silent Hill 2

one-armed dwarf

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23 hours ago, Nag said:

I'm up to the Historical Center for a second time trying for the Maria ending... it was impossible to get by save scumming first time round. I'm also getting all the stuff I need for the Dog and UFO endings as it's a NG+ run. No guns either.

Nice one, I’m doing the same but only up to Wood Side Apartments. Also trying for all memos, strange photos and glimpse of the pasts in one playthrough along with no radio and the other endings I need.

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21 hours ago, one-armed dwarf said:

Now that you've beaten Silent Hill 2, you got to watch one of its inspirations for Noirvember, Lost Highway


I haven't watched Lost Highway for a while. I'm doing a Twin Peaks rewatch with people atm, so maybe when we take a break from that, or when I next get a day off 

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On 04/11/2024 at 23:38, Nag said:

Sounds like you want the Platinum like me then...😉

Haha yep, I have just realised I’ve fucked up my run though. I am only in the Blue Creek apartments so not the end of the world, about 2 hours lost, but still, a bit annoying.


The guide I’m following hasn’t included the NG+ items needed for the endings. Got to laugh lol, starting afresh tomorrow.

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20 hours ago, Nag said:



You aren't using a Powerpyx guide by any chance?

Yeah that’s the one, the 100% collectible guide (as I need all the photos, memos etc. too), not bloody 100% for the NG+ stuff is it 😂


To be fair, I should’ve looked up their ending guide too before starting my run, but thought it would all be included in the collectible one.

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Shit :(


Starting to think some of the trophies are fucked, I got the under 10 hour trophy on my first playthrough and my time was about 24 hours 😂


Just going through the Wood Side Apartments again and my radio randomly turned on when seeing Pyramid Head, still says off in the inventory, but still, no idea if that’s the no radio trophy fucked lol.

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The game clock (or trophy time tracker) returns to zero after 24 hours... that's just a nice bug.


In regards the radio I've seen people comment on this and apparently you'll be fine as long as you haven't turned it on in the menus. 

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  • 1 month later...

Made a start on this after getting it for m birthday. Man I miss this type of game. There’s something about getting these maps, ticking off rooms and doing stupid nonsense puzzles like gluing pieces together and playing a song in a jukebox to get a key. Makes no sense but I love it. Always loved this type of stuff ever since I first played RE on Saturn. 

Excellent sound design and smashing shit is fun too. Not gotten far yet. Just reached the apartments. But I’m a big fan so far. Shame visually and performance wise it’s a bit rubbish at times though. The flickering which happens on shiney surfaces (& door handles for some reason) and fuzzy puddles especially are breaking me out of the immersion. On PS5.

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Just to state the obvious @DANGERMAN if you put enough time in to the game to make an informed decision that's fine... completion isn't required (it's not like I'll be checking up anyway 😂)


Baldur's Gate is in my discovered list and I've got no hope of getting that done before the deadline. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still playing through this very slowly. Mainly due to the self inflicted play conditions - when OH is in bed, on my own, in dark with surround sound up or headphones. But it makes it such a strong experience doing this it’s worth it. 

I’m still at the hospital, just gone to the other side. Fucking amazing bit of level design this. Loving exploring it. 

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I'm in the apartments and have just met the game's real antagonist, so still early. It's funny, I've watched a lot of this game, but moment to moment I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing or where I'm going, just the beats and the rough outlines of some of the puzzles

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive finished this now & even went back and got the platinum I loved I that much! Absolutely incredible game. A couple of areas did get a bit too crowded with enemies and combat heavy towards the end which killed the tension and atmosphere. But apart from that small niggle in those couple of sections it was brilliant.

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2 hours ago, mfnick said:

even went back and got the platinum


Go on, rub it in some more why not...😭


I will go back to try again at triggering those last two endings I need but fuck me they're annoying. 

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They may have patched it since to make it easier? The 24 hour bug thing doesn’t exist anymore for example.


I got the Water ending on first blind playthrough. Then I did the 100% guided Ng+ run with all extra endings and going for Maria - which I got (after some confusion with the Stillness ending I managed to sort by loading an earlier save without a specific item). Then I managed to get the Leave ending by just reloading before the end fights & spending 5 minutes


looking at Mary’s picture and letter and the handkerchief 10 times. Used the rusty egg. Then waited in the long corridor for the full dialogue while looking at her picture. That was enough to get the leave one. 


If that didn’t work I would have fucked the platinum off. Those endings sound way too random to get if that trick doesn’t work. 

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I've got a (what looks like) good endings guide saved... and I think my main problem was not switching up my last coin used in the puzzle... that and either healing too quickly or not.


I tried the whole listening to the whole conversation in the hallway, looking at Mary's stuff and changing which egg I used in which door and it wouldn't change jack... everytime I went up that ladder she was standing by that fucking window.

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