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Ghost of Yōtei

one-armed dwarf

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B&W opener, still rocking that Kurosawa filter. Just need some scratches and dirt on some frames to complete the look


I've not played the original and will probably grab it in a steam sale at some point. Heard it's a bit Ubisoft but maybe I can mainline it and have a good time


Apparently around 300-ish years have passed between this and the last game

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Thought this looked fantastic, great music, too. I never played the original because fundamentally I found it unappealing besides its visual style, but something about this seems more intriguing. And while the period it's set in is more of a standard timeline for feudal Japanese media entertainment, I still think it's a more interesting timeframe than the first one went with.

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I'm not even going to bother watching the trailer... I held off the first game for some reason then after finally starting it really enjoyed it... I see no reason that this won't be more of the same barring some disaster so I'll probably buy it regardless. 

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I know everyone hates it when I say it but the most important improvement they need to make is to the gameplay and stop it being a 2 button game. 

The first game was hard carried by the graphics (which were/are exceptionally good) 

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