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Astro Bot


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Believe the hype, this is fantastic.


Ive just reached the 2nd Galaxy(?). It’s so much fun and just feels fantastic. All the little world specific extra abilities all feel great to use. I won’t go into specifics as that will spoil the discovery but one of the levels in the 2nd galaxy is up there with the best I’ve ever played. All the boss fights, even the mini ones have all been imaginatively designed and enjoyable to do. 


I was worried it was just going to be fan service the game from what I’d heard so far but it is so much more than that. Having some fondness for the various PlayStation icons (whether 1st party or just associated with them like Crash) over the years definitely adds to it still though. 

Yea, just brilliant so far. I forgot how great the dualsense can be when a game is actually designed around it properly too. It looks beautiful as well. Fuck all that realistic shit. This is one of my favourite looking games in recent memory. 

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Cleared the first galaxy today. Even though I think it's very good, I'll say right now I think the VR game was better. Even though more basic, that VR element added so much to the scale and toy like nature of Astrobot that when this game does really big action sequences or boss battles, the VR was a bit missed. 


The game is great, though. Not bad mouthing this game at all. Just obviously being basically a sequel, I thought Rescue Mission was more upfront wow-ing 

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I had a free day yesterday and just could not put this down. Done all worlds 100 and collected all bots. Unlocked what I believe is going to be the final boss before calling it a night. Want to savour what comes next. 


It’s just been incredible start to - potentially - finish. Every level has just been so much fun and impressed me in one way or another. I feel about this how people tend to talk about Nintendo’s games but for whatever reason not felt with them since 64 days. Just fantastic. 

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& it’s done. Including platinum. 


14 hours since Saturday! Astro-nomically good. Bring on the DLC challenge levels. The existing ones were some of my favourites so can’t wait for more of those. 

10/10. I cant really fault it. 

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Finished it last night, it’s a great game, I enjoyed it. Really liked the level where you’re a



 but I had some problems with it, the first isn’t the games fault but sometimes a game gets hyped up so much by seemingly the entire internet it can never live up to the hype I guess, this can mess with my head a bit and I end up being super critical and not enjoying it as much as I probably should, oh well.


The options are bare bones, I think the camera could do with being faster, and higher to help judging jumps. There should be options to reduce the rumbling, sometimes it’s a bit much. Turn off the blowing, that’s annoying. The motion control bits after you get a new ship part are rubbish, but not that often to be fair.


sony emailed me to say it took 12 hours, still stuff left to do though, on 250 collected robots. I’ll try and do all the stages at least even if I have to look up where the warps are. Probably up for the dlc as I like the challenge levels.

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One thing that struck me when playing it is Astrobot has a pretty flat move set. It’s the same as the VR game, but obviously that was a different thing. I guess I never noticed in the Play Room game because it was really short and focussed on PS5 controller gimmicks


They seem to do a lot with power ups and bring variety to the game that way. And running around as Astrobot is fun. But it really hit home, oh this is still a PlayStation platformer. He doesn’t have the flexibility of say Mario. Even in Sunshine, which is 20+ years old and also jet pack hover heavy game, there’s a tonne of moves and combos in it that is missing here. 

Having said that, only completed world 1 and even then the rocket pack he gets at the end of that was really cool. I’m also expecting the game to still have lots of cool stuff to show with power-ups. They also have fast moving action levels and really big bosses so that’s great. But it just hit me that, even if I hadn’t played the previous games, you can master Astrobot controls in about a minute and it lacks a bit that way 

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52 minutes ago, spatular said:

gets hyped up so much by seemingly the entire internet it can never live up to the hype I guess, this can mess with my head a bit and I end up being super critical and not enjoying it as much as I probably should, oh well.

I usually have this issue. Dont know why but just didn’t happen this time. I thought it was just that good. 
Just a FYI, you can turn off the motion controls too.


I can understand people saying the move set is a bit simplistic but that just didn’t bother me at all. More complexity doesn’t equal better and it has some fantastic little ideas using the tools it has. 

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On 09/09/2024 at 09:39, Snaggletooth said:

Just got to the end of 2nd world over weekend. 


Both 100% so far. 

This. I wasn't trying to gete  everything as I was going along, as in redoing levels repeatedly, but it turned out I only had to redo a couple. I suspect that will change as it goes on and I'll miss more 


While it's not exactly grabbed me the way it has reviewers, I am enjoying it and I love how inventive they get. It's just the core platforming and combat that feels a little too basic. It's nice to be enjoying one after not thinking that much of Penny's Big Breakaway and Mario Wonder 

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i struggled to find everything even in the first world, been through a few levels again looking for stuff, and did find some more collectables. used a guide to get about 5 missing warps so i could finish all the levels. glad i used the guide as i doubt i would have found those warps on my own. on about 285 bots now. think that's me done unless there are more levels if you get all the bots/jigsaw bits?


shame there don't seem to be any timetrials as that was possibly the best bit of the free version.


odd but cool that they included mascots from other brands like 


sega and bamco


really good overall imo.

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11 hours ago, spatular said:

think that's me done unless there are more levels if you get all the bots/jigsaw bits?


You get 1 extra shape style challenge level if you get all jigsaw pieces and bots & 1 little bonus if you complete that. It’s a fantastic level but that’s basically it. 



3 hours ago, DANGERMAN said:

Do you guys know there's hidden levels you trigger from flying around the map? If you see an asteroid appear crash in to it for a level 

Yea each galaxy has 3 or so of these. 

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^ thanks! 


I do want to play all the levels but not sure I can be bothered collecting all the stuff.

Yeah I think I got all the asteroid levels, I assume there’s no challenge levels on the first world?


(not sure what they’re called, the ones with x, o, triangle, square) I spent ages flying round waiting for something to hit to unlock them.


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