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Castlevania Dominus Collection


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I actually prefer Dawn of Sorrow, for me that's the best Metroidvania they did. Ecclesia is also great though, Portrait of Ruin drags on a bit, but the protagonist duo is a neat idea and the Egyptian area is nice.


If you buy it maf, can you check if there's an option to go full screen, with the menu and map being tucked away in a pause menu? I really dislike how they arranged the screens.

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Never played these so I’m in. 

Has anyone played them yet? Im thinking of getting them on PS5 but wondering if the Switch version has touch screen controls which might work better for the DS shit. Can’t find any info on it from Google.


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Portrait of Ruin required touch to do the sigels on the DS, I suspect not here otherwise you couldn't play docked. 


There was also a few bonus characters in Portrait of Ruin, and at least one of them was entirely stylus controlled, and was really fun from what I remember 

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I decided to buy it on PS5. Playing Dawn first as that was the first of the 3 to be released even though it’s bottom of the list for some strange reason? 

Anyway, yea it’s either hold a button and draw, use the right stick or use the touch pad. The seals are QTE’s so I actually prefer that. Seems fine so far although the block breaking is a bit awkward. 

Highly recommend changing the layout to 2 squares side by side or the map is tiny - not seen by way to make it full screen either which could be a bit shit later on. 

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10 hours ago, retroed said:

@Maryokutai There are various screen options, but nothing that is gameplay screen only.


Thanks. A bit unfortunate though, looks really odd not having a main screen at the centre.


I'll pick this up later though. Saw the main menu on the web just now and I'm so weak that that convinced me.

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Look at us old farts, nobody cares about anything but the moment some 20 year old Castlevania games are announced the topic blows up.


Bought it today as well, surprised to see it being made by M2. That also led me to believe that maybe the map is just coded in a way to always run in tandem with the actual gameplay, hence why there's no display option to turn it off. I also settled with the same gameplay & map thing as I think there's no reason to have the status screen visible all the time.


Not sure if there's need for a game topic, but maybe if I stumble upon something new and cool I'll do one (unless someone else goes first of course).

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I’m really new to the Castlevania games if you don’t include the Lords of Shadow series


It was only playing the GBA collection last year (year before?) that got me in to the series. 

I’m not a hardcore mega fan or think those GBA games are 10/10’s or whatever, but I did really enjoy them and it was within the last week I was thinking I wonder if they’ll ever do the DS games because I would want to play them


And boom there it is 

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Not sure if this is real but LRG are doing physical versions


Not sure if they’re doing 3 different versions so you can have your favourite cover art, or they’ve split the games up. Surely it’s the first one 

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