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Nikoderiko – The Magical World


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Didn't make a topic for its announcement trailer but now that it has its very own generic subtitle I think it deserves one. Can't give much context unfortunately other than what is plainly obvious in that this is basically a new Donkey Kong game that walks around in Crash Bandicoot textures. David Wise is doing the music, which effectively links it to the series it pays, uhm, homage to, and overall I think this looks genuinely promising.


According to their homepage this is the developer's first game but I think it's clear there's some pedigree and experienced people involved (I guess the Terminator reference is also a giveaway that this isn't a young upcoming team). Coming out in October.

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Looks like a great little DK x Crash style game. I’ll definitely check it out. 

When I’ve got cash anyway - it’s £25 and I’ve already spent too much on games lately. Was expecting more like £18. Put on wish list for now.

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It's a bit more than I was expecting, too, but on the other hand it's fully voice acted and someone like David Wise probably isn't cheap either, so I can understand it from a production standpoint.


Will give it a shot over the weekend.


Edit: Switch version looks surprisingly decent, but I'll get it on Xbox for the higher framerate.





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