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Astro Bot


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This game is looking on par with Mario Galaxy games for this sort of boundless creativity, shifting gameplay and floating levels


I’ve liked a lot of previous PlayStation platformers. Crash, Spyro, Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank and that first Jak and Daxter. But they’ve always been B level platformers. PlayStation has never made a really great one.


I think that’s about to change

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In their defense, they never really tried to mimic Nintendo's type of platformer before. J&K had adventure elements, R&C is 50% shooting, Sly is stealth platforming etc. This is really the first time where you can clearly see that they're going for the whole Mario Galaxy thing of throwing a new idea at the player every 10 minutes.


As for the bittersweet thing of it representing a bunch of IPs that are dormant, I kind of get the point, because that's pretty much exactly how I felt when I played Sonic Racing Transformed. But if the game can stand on its own, which I presume it does after seeing some videos and seeing that score, I think people would rather veer towards praising the accomplishments of the developer in favour of pointing at the failures of the publisher.

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I’m not comparing to Nintendo, I mean full stop I don’t think they’ve ever made a platformer that was out & out amazing. That’s not a diss either, I like most of their’s. They’ve just never had that something that makes them the top. I think they all hover around this mild 7/weak8 category. 

But Astrobot I really think is going to be the first to change that. This game looked like a 10 from the word go and it seems to be living up to that

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This is cute:





Will you look at that, a good-looking game running at 4K 60fps on a base PS5. A good example of why having a realistic visual target and optimisation process completely bypasses the concept and need for upgraded hardware.

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It's so weird to me now that it needs to be pointed out that a game has no ghosting or reconstruction artifacts when praising its visuals. It really sort of feels like modern photoreal visuals are becoming this Faustian deal on current hardware, even PC to a point, cause when the image is so inconsistent and unstable it hardly seems to matter that it's accurately simulating the properties of lighting and the way shading works, when stuff dissolves into a smoky mist of ghosty nonsense during motion. Or the whole thing is an eyeball straining out of focus blurry mess like FFVII and XVI.


That said I'm glad they are doing that anyway cause overtime we can just not use the reconstruction stuff, at least on PC. But it's so annoying not being able to see clearly when playing on console so at least Astro Bot has that going for it. I do think the target for consoles probably needs to be adjusted but I don't think it's probably way more difficult than we are making it sound, especially as this game is basically a cartoon.

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