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Sonic Fan Games


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I see tonnes of these on YT of varying levels of quality. Probably not much interest to most people but every now and then I see one that looks amazing. I had to start a thread for this one. 

Sonic Overdrive



This was made in Dreams the PS4 game 🫨


It’s obviously a bit loose in terms of air control and level design but god damn. This is exactly what I want a 3D Sonic game to be

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Saw this the other day. Someone has done a “remake” of Secret Rings 


It looks amazing considering it’s unofficial. 

I completed this when it was on Wii but to be honest I don’t remember anything specific about it. I just remember it being very clumsy because it’s an auto runner with Wii motion controls. It’s a tough mix

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are two more Amazing Sonic fan games


Firstly another game made in Dreams on PS5 


Even though the movement is clearly a little bit rough I absolutely love the aerial control and how ball like Sonic is. He doesn’t drastically lose speed or control doing 360 degree movement. The momentum gain going downhill as well looks super cool


This is amazing as well. Sonic Unleashed never came out on PC but because it uses the same engine as Generations they’ve basically modded in a tonne of Unleashed on to the game and improved upon certain touches as well (adding the SA2 truck to the DLC level, cool idea)


I played this game for 100+ but just spent time racing through the day time stages over and over. So they’ve put some side missions in here, but can’t tell if they’re original levels modded in or I don’t remember them. Either way, it looks cool as hell


I know that Sonic Unleashed gets ripped on because of l, well, a lot of reasons. But I maintain just looking at the day time stages it is one of the best Sonic games ever made. These levels are so good.


I’ve spent a long time thinking about what I would do if I could make a Sonic game but these guys seem to be tapping in to something that’s never occurred to me. Sonic doesn’t always have to run, he’s just as cool in the sky bouncing off things. I’ve said before Sonic should be the extreme sports version of platforming and more aerial action and bouncing around in the air is a really cool way of doing that. In the official games a lot of it is very QTE like but in the fan games they’re making it more player controlled and part of the traversal. It works so well


I honestly think some of these fan game creators have better understanding and ideas than Sonic Team do. People always say Sonic is a trash series, which I get. But it isn’t the game concept that’s the problem, it’s the people making it 

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