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I think my biggest flaw is not card counting (i.e. keeping track of what I've already used or discarded) then I keep hanging on a certain distribution of cards to come out that either can't or are statistically remote.


So I should at least check the in-game deck tracker more during play.

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Mouse over the deck to see what you have, it gets a little fucky when you have cards in your hand faced down, but aside from that you can see the possibility of drawing a specific suite or a face card or whatever.

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Yep, seems to be quite useful (on NS its ZL I think).


I'm getting a little annoyed with the length of time it takes to get to the final blind (best part of an hour most times) esp. then if it's rules are completely restrictive to your build so you have little or no chance of winning*.


Also I really wish there was an undo (or some sort of intelligent check mark before inadvertently submitting a hand that might screw your build (e.g. I had the Ride the Bus joker (don't score on face cards) upto a +15 multiplier, then accidentally hit submit rather than discard on a pair of queens which then zeroed that multiplier (after 15 hands of not playing face cards.......).


Anyway, completed a couple of the Challenges and will no doubt continue for a while, as moaning aside, I do enjoy it.


*No unique to Balatro as its just as applicable to many deck builders (or maybe my skill at playing deck builders ...)

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The one that gets me the most is the 'massive blind' one. The one that gets me the least maybe is the one where you have to sell a joker, especially if you have a lot of cash you can spam reroll and pray for a shitty negative joker that you can sacrifice. This is also one of the easiest to deal with on black deck anyway as you have 6 jokers


Director's Cut is a must. A MUST


I'm doing green deck now and I'm currently not really seeing the huge benefit of having two free fool cards at the start, but I guess you can use it to cram gold cards or planets into your build early on. Spectrals show up in tarots but they seem really rare

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Did the third challenge this morning "Rich Get Richer" and it was pretty straightforward, just making sure I kept sufficient $ not to adversely affect chip scoring - on reflection I was probably a bit too cautious with spending money - but completed it on first attempt.


Now, noting I've got several challenges still to unlock I'll be slightly disappointed if one isn't called "Chip's Challenge" as a nod to the maze puzzle game.


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On 21/01/2025 at 15:51, shinymcshine said:

That Directors Cut is handy, but I got this one just before the final ante on one run, which was great as the final ante boss was a $300000 massive blind - negated and reduced to $100000 thankfully !




I played for the first time in ages last week and walked to a victory, part of that was getting this card. It wasn't useful for every boss, but when it was I couldn't help but smile. 

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Okay now here's the 'problem' - I just can't stop playing this - not in a hyper addicted every minute of the day sense, but every time I have a gaming session it's Balatro.....


Completed another couple of Challenges too (On a Knifes Edge, Mad World)


Is there a logical time to stop (aside from 100% completion or hitting a 'brick wall' .....?)


I don't know, so long as I feel I'm still enjoying it I'll continue....

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The end point of all endpoints is this thing where you use every single joker on a gold stake win (across multiple i mean, I think it's called CC+ or something like that). You get some sort of sticker on the Joker I think


I've only gotten one gold stake so far tho. It's hard. But the increased difficulty levels are where the mechanics really lock in imo


edit to be clear I don't recommend going for C++, it sounds insane. Especially cause it means winning a gold stake with a straight joker, yuck. But personally I am planning on getting at least a good few gold stakes, if you get them all you get C+. Which is difficult, but not terrifyingly so


Also Balatro gaming doesn't become problematic unless it gets like this



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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like blueprint is copying mime which is doubling all the kings in hand which had red seals which double their effect as well. So it's quadrupling the cash and king bonuses from the king joker at the very least


I don't recognise the other jonklers after the king one though. But it's just basic synergy combos.


Also on the bit I clicked on now he makes the important point about RNG, it's in your control if you optimise your economy. You just have way more latitude for rerolls to get what you want


(I mean, I say 'basic' but it's still high level play. It's not a deck you could easily build without deep knowledge)

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Every time I try to start a new different game, and hit a minor hiccup < 1hr in, then I turn it off and return to Balatro.


Working my way through the Challenge modes now, about 13 complete (been trying to do them in sequential order).


One day I'll move on, just not for a while I guess.

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Just got the final 3 Challenges to do (Golden Needle, Cruelty, Jokerless) - but they are pretty tough ones - seems somewhat dependent upon luck in the early rounds as to the draw you get and Jokers available (well bar the Jokerless one).


The "Blast Off" one was a rather problematic one to do, with regards to low hands & discards, and it wasn't until got a decent joker multiplier up and running on that one (after many null attempts) that I finally breezed through it by the end - so that might well be the same with the final three.


It might be time to consult an online guide as I don't know whether I'm just missing something obvious for each - or whether it really is just dependant upon how your cards fall (i.e. as it sometimes is with this type of game, not all deck draws are necessarily winnable, and sometimes you really need those scalable Jokers, which have increasing +chips/multi or x multi, in order to get enough score on later rounds - and if they don't come out sometimes just can't win).




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I haven't done enough of the challenges but I try to find a simple yet reliable joker to start a run off with. Even if that means like, an eternal pair joker or whatever so that I have as many hands left over from a round to get some extra cash. Something that makes the early antes stable at least. Black deck hammered that into me before I dropped it.


The biggest thing that the really good players say and I repeated it above is about rerolls and getting the economy locked in with recurring interest, or whatever other money generating gimmicks surface. It's what tames the RNG of the game.

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I'm feeling that the end three challenges don't really give you much scope to develop if you don't get the right drops in the early antes - looking online seems too that people are saying if you don't get scaling jokers (or bonus tarots etc) early on (for these last 3) you might as well quit & retry.

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Oh FFS - doing a Blue Stake difficulty run, took the Joker that gave zero discards and +3 hands, and what with vouchers etc, I hit the final Ante Boss with 8 Hands 0 Discards.


Multipliers meant I was easily getting >20k worth of points for two pairs, other hands >10k - yet across 8 hands in that final round I didn't draw two pairs once - predominantly ended up with single pair and high card (dumping other cards to churn deck as I had no discards).


So I got pretty close anyway, about 5k short of winning it - but pretty pissed off at the RNG having not drawn two pairs out at least once in 8 hands !

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Ha, Blue Stake, you're so yesterday's news - done and onto the next one !


I'd left the Challenges for now as noticed I've got a few Jokers still to unlock, so thought I might as well go through the Stakes & Decks in case some of those unlocked Jokers might be useful on the remain Challenge rounds.

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