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Post When You Complete A Game 2024


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Dave The Diver (PC) 

Marsupilami: Hoobadventure (PC) 

Jusant (PC) (game pass)

The Case of the Golden Idol: The Spider of Lanka DLC  (PC) 
The Case of the Golden Idol: The Lemurian Vampire DLC  (PC)


Home Safety Hotline (PC)

An Analogue Horror, user interface simulator type affair. You're a new hire at the titular helpline, where you answer calls from users and browse a catalogue of articles on a 1990's style computer interface to try and figure out the issue they're having and submit it as your answer. The first day is ordinary enough, but as each day passes things get stranger. The calls are about weird phenomenon, new articles unlock on subjects such as goblins, fae, creatures that watch you in the night, or "Bed Teeth".


It's 2-3 hours long, and the "horror" is more the discovering there are unreal things out there variety than the jumpscares or gore kind. The entries in the catalogue are well written and fun to browse through, and although I don't think it really nailed the ending, I had a great time playing.


Home Safety Hotline Screenshot 2024.01.25 -



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11/01/24 - Robocop: Rogue City - PS5.

21/01/24 - Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Series X.

29/01/24 - A Plague Tale: Requiem - PS5. 




Although this game is pretty much constant misery for it's characters I absolutely love it... I'm amazed Microsoft haven't made a play for the developer as they can craft an amazing Sony style third person adventure. 

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Dave The Diver (PC) 

Marsupilami: Hoobadventure (PC) 

Jusant (PC) (game pass)

The Case of the Golden Idol: The Spider of Lanka DLC  (PC) 
The Case of the Golden Idol: The Lemurian Vampire DLC  (PC)

Home Safety Hotline (PC)


Picklock (PC)

I don't remember how I got this game, but I wanted something to play and filtered my Steam library by installed games and picked this. I don't think it got reviewed in many places, but it appears well received on Steam.


It's a short, inexpensive, isometric-ish stealth-puzzle game. You're a thief tasked with breaking into properties, avoiding guards, disabling security alarms and cameras, breaking into safes etc. and getting out with whatever the objective was.


Apart from one unintuitive section - where the solution to getting into a building involved leaving the level and finding something in your home base area (the first and only time the game required you to do something like that) - working out how to complete a job was quite fun. I enjoyed my time with it.

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