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South of Midnight


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  • 11 months later...



Combat looks a bit iffy, but wonderful art direction and the stop-motion style is growing on me. A bit surprised it's still so far away though, but I suppose it's quite a leap in fidelity and scale from their previous titles.

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  • 5 months later...

30min deep dive


I honestly can’t tell if it’s the stop motion animation/style choice or this game runs at 10fps. I’m sure it’s fine?


Looks to me like a PS2 game in a sense. Not graphics. But straight forward linear, combat game with big bosses and health bars and things to collect.

Not going to pretend I’m hyped about it. But will try it since it’s on Gamepass 


Surprised they’re doing such a big video with no real release date 

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The game renders at 60fps but every animation is purposefully choppy, like Spider-Verse. It looks a bit weird in short clips but I got used to it rather quickly during that longer video earlier this year.


I find it a bit reminiscent of the Alice games, Madness Returns in particular. It's a similar concept of using a relatively 'basic' gameplay foundation being elevated by its style and atmosphere. Or it might just be because you're attacking inky blobs with a dagger.

Also quite happy to see Derivières involvement here, he's quite overlooked as a composer I think but he's done some exemplary work. The fact they specifically mention how he builds dynamic soundtracks was nice to hear, because that was one of the strongest points of Remember Me.


Looks really nice all around. I think the only part about this video I didn't like is how the two old women looked. They stick out like a sore thumb, as if both the visual design and the character models were outsourced to a company who hasn't seen a single piece of concept art from this game.

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  • 2 months later...


The other April game from the show, out on the 8th. From a gameplay standpoint this looks like a very videogame-y videogame, but everything around it, the setting, the style, the music, just leaves an excellent impression. 


Interestingly this is still an Xbox exclusive, which is likely a combination of Compulsion being too small to immediately pivot towards multiplatform development and maybe MS seeing this as more of a Gamepass prestige game that won't make much money as a tradition purchased product to warrant the porting process.

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