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Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown


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10 hours ago, mfnick said:

According to Dave on TCGS the frame rate is really bad on that version. Particular towards the end. He shared a video of one of the later challenges and it was like a slideshow. 


Interesting, that's actually the first time I heard that. Granted I only played the demo so far (despite buying the game), but the consensus from DF & Co. was that it almost always stays at its 60fps target. Couldn't find that clip unfortunately, I wonder if it might be from the DLC stuff and it's maybe less optimised?

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He brought it up quite a bit. That was just one example. He assumed people like DF must have just played earlier areas on the Switch and then continued on other platforms as this stuff mainly rears its head towards the ends when you’ve got more abilities. Part of the main game too, not DLC. 

He still managed to complete it so there’s that but just to make people aware who may want it on Switch. He did say he wished he got it elsewhere. 

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That looks indeed pretty bad, but even in this clip showcasing it it's only a couple of seconds. I'm actually okay with the slideshow above if it means the game itself isn't DRM-locked, but of course everyone can make their own decision there (ideally it'd be DRM-free everywhere obviously, but alas this is UbiSoft).

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  • 2 months later...

I bought it at launch as well but haven't played it yet (did play the demo though).


I'm of two minds about this. On one hand you can't really ask people into buying stuff just to support it, it's ultimately only a hobby and everyone can spend their money how they want. But on the other hand if 'we' (not us, the 'gamer we') don't show up when it matters then this pretty much reaffirms UbiSoft stance of the last couple of years. Wouldn't be hugely surprised if we're going to hear similar stories after the releases of the Sands of Time and Splinter Cell remakes.

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There's an oversaturation of games out there and for games like this it's even harder for them to stand out. Results like this are probably part of why Ubisoft are stopping with making their games exclusive to their own launcher, it's a bit like shooting yourself in the foot by hiding away your games like that. Not that there aren't larger factors here, given its failure on console also.


Dangerman says up thread it has always on DRM as well, this to me looks like a good Steam Deck game so that's another crazy decision right there

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I absolutely agree about the online DRM, maybe should have but an * next to my 'bought at launch' because I definitely wouldn't have if the Switch version had that. That's actually the reason I never bought Avatar. As interesting as a game is, I'm not going to bury my consumer rights (or what I perceive them to be) to play it.

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