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Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater

one-armed dwarf

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  • 5 months later...



Looks a lot like a PS2 game with PS5 visuals plastered on top. Kind of cool? 



kinda going for a SOTC type of thing. The proof will be how they handle cutscenes, which were redone in that SOTC remaster. With these kinda visuals they surely have to redo those cutscenes as well, or else it will look weird as fuck

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  • 7 months later...


I thought it was funny that there was a trailer for MGS3 remake in the Xbox showcase and nobody mentioned it haha. 


The younger character model looks really good. The graphics in general look really good. The action of what there is looks really fun. 


But it's looking a bit pointless, isn't it? Granted, everything they showed is like the first hour of the game, so maybe they get bananas with it later. But as of now it's like hmm. It's a very pretty version of MGS3


MGS3 is legit one of my favourite games of all time. ALL TIME. And maybe this will Persona 3 Reload it where I don't care until I play it and am like we're back, baby. But as of right now, well, I think there's a reason we all watched this and went MUTHAFUCKING PERFECT DARK 

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imo, stuff like this is like when they colourise an old black and white movie


Look at how bad that facial animation looks on Snake at the end. The old animation data doesn't work well with modern graphics


Can't complain too much tho, as they also just rereleased the old version of the game. I'd probably never choose this over that one, except to check out the differences just once


For all the issues I have with bloobers SH2 and how it's shaping up, it's more interesting than this

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I was thinking about this the other day, but guess it’s relevant now, how do they handle codec conversations in these games? In this or any MGS. I can’t imagine sitting around for 20 minutes at a time watching 2 bobbing heads talk to each other. I wouldn’t have the patience for it. I’d be on Twitter.

The other day I wondered if anyone did a blind let’s play of MGS and their audience has to sit there and watch them watch 2 fake people talk to each other

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Graphics comparison 



It's so 1:1 in terms of cinematics. I wonder is is cost reduction/risk aversion to just recreate what was already done, or is following Kojima just kind of scary and they don't have the confidence they can do it better? 


Regardless if it's better or worse I would have much preferred them just try something really new as opposed to just give the game a glow up


The action does look smoother/better, though. I give them that. I can't find it now but there's also a toggle for classic vanilla top down camera. Not sure if can switch on the fly 

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I could see how both a lack of confidence and a lack of budget made the decision for them. Because this does not look like an expensive game, but a remake would have been one. And the reason why even in the confines of a remaster of sorts they don't deviate even a little bit is because the reused voice acting is locking them into the pacing of the original.


I'm not really sure who this is for. It doesn't really fit into the zeitgeist anymore and younger people who are interest in the medium's heritage would probably have no issue just going back to the PS2 remaster. I might pick it up later just for the heck of it because it's a fantastic game, but I'm not going to stand in line day one.


Sidenote, but I think this is the first game where the boxart looks better for Xbox (if this is the real thing):





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  • 2 weeks later...

DF breakdown of the trailer. Damn, this game looks really good. I hate being a sucker and buying the same things over and over. But I honestly prefer the new graphics over the old in every respect and I’ve only ever played the original PS2 version (many times over many years but still)


The other thing is the music they use in this video. Particularly the MGS3 versions of the main theme is my favourite. MGS2 is also neck and neck for best song but the MGS3 version just has a more powerful feel to it, I think.


Thinking about it. Will they re-record Snake Eater? 🤔


Sigh…sign me up for MGS3. I do love this game.


Has anyone on the forum never played it before but thinking about getting it? I’d love to see how Metal Gear comes off to someone in 2024 who’s never played it before. 

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I bought it, played for about 20 minutes and then gave up (think I was going through one of my phases) around release so no... I've not played it so to speak.


I don't think I'll bite with this though... as much as I loved Metal Gear and the second game at the time my tastes have changed and I don't think this would be for me anymore.

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I've played it often enough to retain a good enough memory of what it's like and I reckon when people play this remake they will realise that it ages worse than MGS1 and 2, largely cause it was the first one to move into the more 'modern' direction of 4 and 5, but with an absolutely terrible UI for integrating all the more advanced stealth-immersion mechanics that 5 streamlined and perfected (4 did a great job with some of them also, but was barely a game)


They might modernise some of this in the remake but it's still a 1:1 looking thing with the map layouts and enemies, perhaps some more fluid movement where Snake rolls into a prone position (tho I think this was also in the original). Might end up a bit of a Twin Snakes situation where any control improvements only serve to trivialise the intended design


That said, I did miss the wildlife part in 5. I think that was genuinely a really cool thing about Snake Eater.

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I played the subsistence version on 360 or PS3 I think? I loved it, by far the best MGS game IMO. Saying that, even though I loved it I still couldn’t give less of a fuck about this remake for some reason. 

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can't remember when i played it, not back in the day, after 4 definitely, i really liked it but for the mad story and cutscenes, didn't think the gameplay was very 

good. in my head they should remake them with the gameplay of 5 but that probably wouldn't work too well bit like dwarf says

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I tried to play the original but couldn't understand it. Got told it was a stealth game. Could creep up on enemies but there was no facility to take them down, which I thought was fucking weird. 


More of a splinter cell guy myself.

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