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Silent Hill 2 Remake


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Bloober have fucking done it! All that fucking neigh-saying for donkeys years assuming the game would turn out shite and it’s fucking brilliant (well, apparently lol). Lots of folks will be eating crow tonight, you love to see it.


Honestly so fucking pleased, this is probably my most anticipated game for a long long time and I’m so so pleased Bloober have smashed it out the park against all the odds 🏏

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A lot of that though came from the fact that The Medium deals with sort of similar sensitive themes as Silent Hill 2 but with the same amount of tact as a sledgehammer 


Like it's one thing when it comes from a position of bad faith but imo you're veering into toxic positivity when you try to dismiss that as well (not you specifically, as I don't think you played either of these games and I'm trying to dance around spoilers here)

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Yeah, people are gonna shitpost but a lot of Bloobers genuine criticisms come from looking at their previous work and coming to the conclusion that they're not up to the task.  Like, I'm sure lots of people would like to make a SH type game but many only take surface level elements away from it but trip up on deeper stuff (the kind of stuff that reminds me of the Ebert quote "you maybe didn't notice it, but your brain/mind did").  But I suppose if they had one producer at Konami that gets the original and kept things reigned in then great!


I still don't think I've seen anything that makes it meaningfully worth playing over the original, and the game isn't even out yet so let's maybe see after some time has been had with it before it's declared an unmitigated success.


It's not a win if your blind faith it's proven right.

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There was a big thread on resetera talking about the cynicism stuff. I won't say it's not ever a thing, but there's an equally unhelpful tendency I think to put the culture warrior 'criticism' with more nuanced criticism and chuck it in the same bucket, suggesting that they belong together. It's not toxic positivity maybe so much, maybe it's something else. 


My main beef remains camera angles. Speaking of dutch angles, and how cool that shit is in some Silent Hill games, it's something that this new one can't do cause it's perched on James' shoulder. On the other hand, the more intimate perspective could be used for other things. But man, I like when the camera is more authored in a horror game, it can be so stylish. That 'neigh saying' I will stand by 🐴


(unless they find a way to do it still, I guess it's possible)

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I remember seeing a SH nurse leap over a chest high wall like Markus Fenix I slapped my forehead and laughed.  Why didn't they use the opportunity to do something more unsettling with the animation?  


But I guess I get it.  I'm trying to find some footage of the mantling nurse because I do worry I imagined it but I can't find anyone else talking about it because everyone is making uninteresting complaints about the design which I suppose is a bit different (but not so much I'd fret about it personally).  But I'm sure I saw the mantling nurse in a game where unsettling movements are part of the visual horror.

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The Original SH2 was about the unease of the atmosphere from sound to visuals not really many jump scares, but It crafted that perfectly.

Depends if you define scary as Jump scares or the above, if the above this is still one of the best games to ever do it!

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Yeah, it's the atmospheric, really tense games that fuck me up. It's why Silent Hill I've always specifically stayed away from (Except for that Wii game, that was all right, although didn't finish it)


Jump scares and action heavy games not so bad. That Alan Wake 2 thing where the screen goes all static didn't get me once 


Oh, and I can’t stand being chased or stalked. It’s why I can’t do RE2 Remake. If it was just going around playing the game it would be fine, but Mr X just makes it too much.

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It’s just nice for me for a developer to have a win these days.


There is so much negativity these days in every corner of the industry, things going wrong with an anticipated game, studios closing, studios running out of money, it feels to be like gamers are getting more and more entitled as the years go on. 

In the AAA space, if your game is not perfect or is not made by a world renowned developer and gets 85% review scores with 0 bugs whatsoever everybody and their uncle with initiate an internet pile on like that one episode of South Park (Goobacks?).


I get why Bloober weren’t many people’s first choice, they didn’t have a great track record aside from Layers of Fear which is only middling to good (apparently, not played it) but I like to give studios a chance. And the fucking nutters have only gone and pulled it off.


Some folks on here years back saying it would 100% be shit as Bloober were the developer and would not buy as a result before seeing any footage etc. at that time is knee jerk bollocks.



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Thing is, I don't want to be even more defensive than I have, but I don't think I've even been that negative about bloober doing this game. The worst it ever looked was that action packed trailer, and as I said I wish it had a more cinematic camera rather than OTS like every other game. That's just a personal stylistic preference I'm not going to change my mind on. But I thought it looked good at the early stage, and at the later stage when they figured out how to market it in line with the OG's style more


A lot of this seems to boil down to Konami not really understanding the property they have, and the way to market it. They tried to make a trailer like a Resident Evil game, and it was baffling to the point that even Bloober said it looked stupid. It sounds like Bloober understood things a lot better than most of us would ever have given them credit for, but people can only look at and react to the stuff that's shown, and especially WRT The Medium that game is just super poorly executed WRT 'triggering' content that make it hard to blame people for not just having blind faith

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As someone who gave the game the benefit of the doubt (feel free to check the thread), but wasn't being a dick about it, I never really felt people's concerns were unreasonable. 


You've got Konami who have lost their way, a developer who has never made a game like this, and said developers last couple of games haven't landed. People were basing their expectations on the evidence in front of them, that's hardly unreasonable 

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I think that's it for me, I was sceptical when Bloober were announced, especially that with Konami's public image at the time being in tatters, the initial trailer was like a a fantastic looking cake but with a Layer of Fear!  Sorry couldn't resist.


I think like you say its then nice for something positive to come from it, would have been easier for at this stage from the Journalist perspective to continue the negative narrative, so for it to over come all those odds hopefully its as good as they say!

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