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Witcher 4


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  • DANGERMAN changed the title to Witcher 4

We've not seen any gameplay as of yet. It's Unreal 5, which hopefully is improving for current gen, so it's not entirely outside the realms of possibility that the game itself is doable. Particularly with more knowledge about working with Unreal Engine 


The problem with this generation is the CPU, which are fine imo but not when you're pushing ray tracing, lumen, and obvious huge crowded cities like Baldur's Gate and Cyberpunk. Then there's the, increasingly forgotten, elephant in the room of the Xbox. The Series S probably isn't running Witcher 4 by the time it comes out


So yeah, dunno lol 🤷 I could see a PS5 version if its 2-3 years away because the PS5 will still be around. I don't see a Series S version even at that point. If it's 4-5 and next gen is here, then probably not, it'll still sell millions, and sell for years and years. I suppose it depends how long this generation goes on for 

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They could probably ditch Xbox altogether if they can't get it to run on Series S, but I do expect it to release on PS5 alongside whatever systems will be considered next-gen in around 4 years when this comes out. DF mentioned that it looks 'scalable', however they come to that conclusion I have no idea, but if Witcher 3 can run on Switch, then Witcher 4 can run on PS5 I'd say. With poor lighting, low-res and 30fps, but it will be there – worst-case scenario they need to get a second studio involved to get the port done. But this thing is going to be expensive and I don't think they can move away from a potential 80-90 million install base, no matter how well it's going to sell throughout next-generation. They still need a decent amount of full price early adopters. 

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