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Alan Wake 2


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It's official...





It's an announcement fans have been eagerly anticipating for more than a decade now, but Alan Wake 2 is finally official - and will be coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and the Epic Games Store in 2023.


Details are limited right now, but Remedy's Sam Lake took to the stage during this year's Game Awards to reveal a first, appropriately moody, and extremely wet teaser trailer, before describing the sequel as the studio's "first-ever survival horror game".


Coming 2023



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Yeah, so the Control DLC was building up to this I think. Unfortunately I havent played the first one so couldn't really guess at what it was going for, but I think it contained hints as to the location and what might be going down


The DLC sucked btw, it's not worth playing. Maybe watch some clips from it online.


AW1 is not a game I'll ever go and check out cause every time I do it just feels a bit safe and boring, but I'm interested enough in this world via Control. I liked its style, just has this whole syfy channel or 90s TV miniseries Stephen King vibe so I'm down for more of that.


They seem to even acknowledge the 'safe and boring' a little in their announcement as they say this is a survival horror while the last one was action (that generation was terrible for having a proper survival horror game)

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  • 1 year later...

Ditto, No physical release day 1 it wont get my support, shame it looks excellent, hopefully people vote with their wallet and dont support it out the gate,

Publishers taking away more and more choice from gamers without passing on any of the benefits they reap.



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I don't mean to play corp defense force, Blakey usually has that position covered. But they are saying that because it's a digital only title that it can release at a 'reduced' cost (or at least, that it won't cost 70 smackers)



But yeah, no resale possibility. Reading between the lines and they are taking more money from people if that's how you buy and play games


For me it doesn't affect much, the only physical system I have left is Switch. My other systems are digital ps5, pc, deck and oculus. For me it's more an issue of space and I don't have anywhere near me to trade stuff in anyway, or even buy physical games in general.

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This is coming out the exact same day I arrive in Japan and all my money is being saved for that, I would've been emphatically Day 1 if not, game looks phenomenal.


If you use gift cards it'll probably come to the same price if not a little cheaper than the set price on PSN, usually ShopTo have some good deals on, others like CDKeys too.


Just for an example I paid £20 less for my digital copy of Jedi Survivor Deluxe compared to if I'd of bought it physically.

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Ok, so it is at a “reduced” price of £50, where most AAA digital games are £70+. 

I’m still not paying that for it though. Once it’s half that, then I’m interested.


I typically get my games from Shopto, as I can pay it off in instalments. Something you can’t do with this.

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