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Guilty Gear -Strive-


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This was an interesting and close fight


Looks like Kapple is actually a strong answer for Elphelt’s bomb set up. I wasn’t too worried about that because Millia easily jumps out of it anyway. But good to know there are stronger options


Looks like Millia can back dash some of Elphelt’s recker, too. But not always. Looks quite conditional


Another thing represented here is Millia doing drift BRC before jH. I’ve seen lots of people do this lately. Not sure why it works. If it is fucking up the opponents timing or just because it leaves Millia + million

I saw this as well


Fucking. Of course Leo gets away with it lol. Someone high up at Arcsys loves Leo

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All of Walter’s matches in this TNS were super insane high level matches but the Millia vs Testament at 2:34 was fucking crazy. But I’ve never seen Testament be played so fast, I dunno how Walter beat him. Not that I have much of a game plan against Testament other than always kapple because the 6P is too good but I wouldn’t have been able to move here



Then of all characters he got beat by Gio. Gio is the only character in the game I think Millia has clear advantage over. But the defence was too strong, Gio knew all the tech and her gameplay is too fast and too strong.


This was an amazing TNS

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That actually looks like a really impressive port. Their other stuff like DBFZ and DNF got noticeably downgraded but this looks very clean and seems to keep the 60fps, too. Having everything* on cart is great, too, because these games don't really get complete 'goty' versions anymore, which is really shitty for preservation and potential offline retro tournaments down the line.


*I guess not quite everything, but at least more than just the base roster.

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Some gameplay changes here



At a glance, Bridget's rolling movement seems different. One thing I struggled with was the little TK microjump thing you have to do to get the fuzzy overhead with JS (aka, so that JS hits twice rather than once and hits them guarding low), so it looks like now you don't have to do that input cause it's higher already. Tho that might mean less mixup potential as well cause you can't do the high low as easily maybe


I don't really know what the rest is showing. Looks like Elphelt can combo into a super or something, I dunno. Totally out of touch with what I-No does nowadays so it's all the same looking to me. Similarly with Testament I don't know


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Dizzy’s animations look incredible. People say she’s set play? Millia replacement?! Because everyone is dooming on Millia because of that balance patch trailer so maybe I swap Millia for Dizzy. 


Though real talk I haven’t touched the game in 3 months which might be my longest break from it. See if Dizzy plays well and what the changes are like and if it excites me to jump back in. I still want to move on to Street Fighter 

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I think her gameplay looks pretty boring in the clip but it's missing all the cool neutral interactions that she might have, which she has on that xrd gameplay. Need to see something other than combos. Ice oki is cool and all but I wanna see some mid screen zoning stuff, but maybe I just misunderstood what the character is supposed to be.

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The only thing that stands out to me in the changes is that Sol and Goldlewis combo. Holy mother of Christ 


EDIT: Actually there’s quite a few changes that stand out to me. This game looks like it just got a lot harder 

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[Insert Walter White laughing in basement meme]


EDIT: Also I didn't think until this video but Faust got a 2nd new move. First was holding an item, and now he can golf club items (Or at least the Afro)


More moves for Millia, please, Arcsys, she needs help! 

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