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Dragon Quest III (HD-2D Remake)


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I was hoping they'd choose that style for some remakes. This wouldn't have been my first choice (that would have been FFVI) but it does look really nice and I never played it, so I will probably check this out.

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While it's cool they found a style that looks like the old games I really don't like the bloom/blur and depth of field to the Octopath games. It's why I stopped playing OT, it wasn't comfortable to look at the environments and they were so blurry they were hard to explore (for me, personally)


It seems a bit toned down from that in this however


The PC version of OT has a mod which disables the DoF so I could try that maybe (and this if it gets ported to PC)

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This the best announcement all day. I’ve been looking at the original 3 DQ games on Switch for ages but last time I tried to play a NES RPG it was the first Earthbound which fell somewhere between impossibly hard, hyper ugly and not very fun. So I didn’t want to buy the DQ games as they are the same era. This looks like it solves that nicely. I think even after the Octopath treatment the game looks a little flat but ultimately if it’s an accessible way to enjoy a classic Dragon Quest that’s good enough for me. 

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I tried Earthbound once on emulator, I just got nothing out of it and abandoned it soon after. I have played one of the NES DQ games.. Certainly more challenging than classic Final Fantasy ever was.

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  • 3 years later...

In the presentation Horii mentioned that this is technically a prequel and takes place before the other two, so at least chronologically it makes sense. No idea how the gameplay systems evolved between these though and how that's going to feel when playing them in that order.


I might have my fill with III anyway though. It looks great but I don't think I want to play more than one of those.

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I own 3 as part of a collection but it's the one Dragon Quest game (bar 10) that I haven't played, so I'll be getting this. I was a bit disappointed with how it look, and how the characters moved, a bit stiff and not quite as crisp as I was hoping


I hope they don't extend it. The best thing about the Dragon Quest games up until about number 6 is that they short, by today's standards. This doesn't need to be lengthened to make it 60-80 hours

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Just saw this on Twitter but the first image is from the reveal trailer (2021) and the second image is from the Direct. Looks like they’ve been hard at work. This is top 5 eagerly awaited title this year. 



Now just need that DQ12 trailer 👀

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I prefer the old battle UI but otherwise yeah, this looks really nice now. I wonder if the reason they decided to also make I & II is because XII is still very far away (IIRC they recently replaced the director because it was so far behind schedule).


A bit nuts how many JRPGs are coming this year though.

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